Issue - decisions

Application for Consideration

07/09/2021 - Application for Consideration

The Licensing Sub-Committee considered their decision under the four licence objectives, as required under the Licensing Act 2003:


1.    Prevention of Crime and Disorder

2.    Prevention of Public Nuisance

3.    Public Safety

4.    Protection of Children from Harm




Having taken all the facts and matters into account, the Licensing Sub-Committee decided to Grant the Premises Licence for Coren Wine Ltd, subject to the conditions attached to the licence.  These are to include:


1)         The hours of sale by retail shall be 10.00am to 6.00pm on any day.

2)         There shall be no sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises.

3)         No members of the public shall be permitted to visit the site to purchase or consume alcohol.

4)         Alcohol sales shall be limited to off sales made on line or via telephone and for delivery only.