Agenda and minutes

Venue: Conference Room, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham

Contact: Email:  Direct Line: 01403 215465

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To approve as correct the minutes of the meeting held on 4 July 2023

(Note: If any Member wishes to propose an amendment to the minutes they should submit this in writing to at least 24 hours before the meeting.  Where applicable, the audio recording of the meeting will be checked to ensure the accuracy of the proposed amendment.)


The minutes of the meeting held on 4 July 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Members' Interests

To receive any declarations of interest from Members of the Committee


DC/23/0578 Councillor James Brookes declared a personal interest as he occupies a property adjacent to the application site. He did not take part in the debate and left the room whilst the vote took place.


DC/23/1024 Councillor Colin Minto declared a personal interest as he lives on the same road as the application site but does not know the applicant.


DC/23/0324 Councillor Chris Franke declared a personal interest as he has a personal relationship with residents on the road of the application site.


DC/23/0324 Councillor Mike Wood declared a personal interest as he has a personal relationship with a resident on an adjacent road affected by the application site.



To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Committee or the Chief Executive


There were no announcements.


Appeals pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The list of appeals lodged, appeals in progress and appeal decisions as circulated were noted.


DC/22/2077 RSPCA Headquarters, Oakhurst Business Park, Wilberforce Way, Southwater pdf icon PDF 207 KB

Ward: Southwater North

Applicant: Legal and General

Additional documents:


The Head of Development & Building Control reported that this application sought permission for the demolition of the existing office building and erection of three separate buildings to form commercial units under Class B2 (general industrial) and Class B8 (storage and distribution). Plans would include ancillary office floorspace, associated hard and soft landscaping, car and cycle parking, supporting infrastructure and retention of the existing attenuation pond.


The site would retain the only existing access point from Wilberforce Way with one internal estate road providing access to the north and south. Each building would be provided with allocated car and cycle parking, including disabled bays and electric charge vehicle points.


The application site was located within the Built-Up area boundary of Southwater and within the Oakhurst Business Park. The site is adjacent to the A24 to the east and other commercial properties within Oakhurst Business Park to the west.


There had been 10 representations received from 9 addresses objecting to the proposal and Southwater Parish Council raised objections.


The Parish Council and one member of the public spoke in objection to the application, and the agent addressed the Committee in support.


Members were concerned that the application proposed operating hours of 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It was felt that HGV traffic would impact surrounding residential roads and properties and a time restriction should be placed on deliveries.

It was also felt that even though a Noise Management Plan was in place for the proposal, further noise consideration was also required for internal and external workings of the proposed buildings to protect nearby dwellings.


Further discussion considered the West Sussex County Council Highways report which had not raised any concerns, however Members felt there could potentially be increased safety issues on the site to cyclists and pedestrians without a footway and increase in HGV traffic.


Some Members felt the proposal was positive for an existing industrial site, important for local economic development and would support small and medium businesses within the district.


It was therefore proposed and seconded to add an additional time restriction condition to the application and amendment to wording on Condition 8.





That application DC/22/2077 be approved in accordance with Officer recommendation subject to appropriate conditions and the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement and the following:


Additional condition: No dispatch or receipt of deliveries shall take place from the site except between the hours of 07.00 – 20.00 Monday – Friday, 07.00 – 18.00 Saturdays and not at all on Sundays, Bank Holidays or Public Holidays.

Reason:  To safeguard the amenities of adjacent occupiers in accordance with Policy 33 of the Horsham District Planning Framework (2015).

Amendment to wording of condition 8: No development above ground floor slab level shall commence for any phase or unit until a noise mitigation scheme for protecting nearby dwellings from noise emanating from the development hereby approved has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The approved scheme shall include,  ...  view the full minutes text for item PCN/26


DC/21/2180 Woodfords, Shipley Road, Southwater pdf icon PDF 163 KB

Ward: Southwater South and Shipley

Applicant: Reside Developments Ltd

Additional documents:


The Head of Development & Building Control reported that this application sought outline permission for the erection of up to 73 dwellings (C3 use) and retention of existing farmhouse building (Woodfords), associated public open space, landscaping, drainage and highway infrastructure works, including a new vehicular access from Shipley Road.


The application was considered at April Planning North Committee and was deferred to consider:

·         technical guidance on rainwater harvesting

·         legal advice regarding the monitoring and enforcement of the water neutrality off setting measures.

·         to review the speed limit on Shipley Road


Following the meeting, details had been received on off setting measures, further details on rainwater harvesting provided and WSCC Highways had also responded to the query regarding the speed limit on Shipley Road.

The applicant had also requested flexibility in the application to allow for the delivery of up to 100% affordable housing units on the site.


The application site was located to the east of Shipley Road, approximately one mile south of the centre of Southwater. The site boundaries were mostly mature hedgerows and trees with an area of ancient woodland about 40 metres from the site. There was some development north of the site, which ran close to Shipley Road.


Members noted the planning history of the application where an identical scheme was refused in April 2021 and dismissed at appeal in August 2021 on the grounds of insufficient information in relation to water neutrality impacts. Additional evidence in the report demonstrated that this had now been achieved.


Shipley Parish Council objected to the application and a further 37 representations had been received in addition to the 49 received to the original application.


The Parish Council and two members of the public spoke in objection to the proposal and the applicant and agent spoke in support.


Members questioned proposed water usage, offsetting measures and water monitoring on the site. There was concern that Raven properties were not within the Council’s administrative area and should ownership of the site change in the future, plans were required to ensure the site could still be monitored and remain water neutral.


Officers provided a detailed response to the committee on water neutrality requirements, water consumption calculations and measurements. It was advised that the Section 106 and Section 33 Legal agreements would be secured and enforceable on site if conditions were not met and this included change of ownership.


Further discussion included rainwater harvesting measures and capacity, affordable housing and traffic calming measures.


It was acknowledged that the applicant and Officers had worked hard since the April Committee to address all issued raised and without a five year housing supply and up to date Local Plan the proposal was considered acceptable.





That Planning Application DC/21/2180 be approved subject to Officer recommendation, conditions set out in the report and Section 106 and Section 33 Legal Agreements.




DC/23/0235 Land Adjacent to Oakfield, Cox Green, Rudgwick pdf icon PDF 170 KB

Ward: Rudgwick

Applicant: Mr Andrew Jackson

Additional documents:


The Head of Development & Building Control reported that this application sought permission for a detached two-storey four bedroom dwelling with integral garage, associated access and erection of a detached garden room to the rear.


Access to the site would be via a new shared access to the existing property at Oakfield, which is to be redeveloped under planning permission DC/21/2211.

Off-street parking would be provided in addition to the garage.


The site is located outside of the Built-Up Area Boundary of Rudgwick although immediately adjoins it which includes Oakfield but nots its side garden. The area is characterised by large detached residential properties on both sides of the road.


Members noted the planning history of the application.


The Parish Council objected to the proposal. There had been 11 letters of representation received from 9 addresses objecting to the proposal.


The Parish Council and a member of the public spoke in objection and the agent and applicant spoke in support.


Members discussed the proposed four-bedroom dwelling and some felt it was unsuitable for the area due to its scale and size. It was suggested that it did not conform with the Rudgwick Neighbourhood Plan where smaller houses were considered more beneficial to the local area.


The proposal was however considered proportionate in scale and sustainable in its location and development. Members were reminded that the Council was currently unable to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply and Local Plan so decisions had to be made within the current planning framework.


The local Member agreed with the Parish Council’s concerns and strongly felt that the area did not need another dwelling of this size and a smaller dwelling would be preferred.


It was therefore proposed and seconded to move an alternative motion to refuse the application as the proposal was contrary to RNP 2 of Rudgwick Neighbourhood Plan and the dwelling would not address local housing needs.


This motion was LOST.


Members then voted on the original recommendation to approve the application and this vote was CARRIED.





That application DC/23/0235 be granted subject to Officer recommendations as set out in the report.





DC/23/0578 Lower Broadbridge Farm, Billingshurst Road, Broadbridge Heath pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Ward: Itchingfield, Slinfold and Warnham

Applicant: Mr Cole

Additional documents:


The Head of Development & Building Control reported that this application sought to vary conditions 5 and 6 of previous planning permission DC/20/2126 which was for the change of use of the land and buildings for the blending, screening, storage and distribution of landscape materials (Class Sui Generis).


Permission was also granted for the extension of an earth bund along the northern boundary and erection of 2.2m high wall to the western boundary to allow for the removal of the hopper in relation to the noise levels on site.


DC/23/0578 sought permission to vary condition 5 which would remove the motor from the existing hopper and condition 6 regarding an average noise level from all operations measured from the site boundary to sufficiently address the impact on neighbouring properties.


The site is located to the west of Billingshurst Road, immediately adjacent to, but outside of the Built-Up area boundary of Broadbridge Heath. The site comprises a number of former agricultural buildings which have most recently been used for light industrial and storage purposes.


The wider surroundings are characterised by open countryside to the north and west, with the residential development of Charrington Way located to the east, and separated by mature vegetation and the A281.


The Parish Council objected to the application, seven letters of representation were received from six households objecting to the proposal.


Since the publication of the committee report a further representation had been received objecting to the proposal.


Local Members generally welcomed the new conditions however raised ongoing compliance and enforcement issues on the site. It was felt crucial that the applicant adhered to all conditions and this was closely monitored.


Members sympathised with nearby residents and were advised that any breeches of conditions should be reported to the Council’s Planning Enforcement Team to monitor and investigate.




That planning application DC/23/0578 be granted subject to Officer recommendations as detailed in the report.




DC/23/0324 13 Nelson Road, Horsham pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Ward: Trafalgar

Applicant: Mrs P Bhuvanandran

Additional documents:


The Head of Development & Building Control reported that this application sought part-retrospective permission for the conversion of an existing garage into habitable space and removal of fence along part of the west boundary to create off street parking.


The garage was converted in January 2023 and the application site comprises a two-storey end of terrace dwelling within the north part of Horsham situated on the corner of Nelson Road and Milton Road. The dwelling is located within the Built-Up area of Horsham.


There had been 24 letters of representation from 14 separate households objecting to the proposal.


Since the publication of the committee report there had been five additional letters of representation received objecting to the proposal.


Three members of the public spoke in objection and the applicant spoke in support.


Members considered the consultees’ responses and the officer’s planning assessment.


Members acknowledged there were significant parking issues in both Nelson Road and Milton Road which affected the whole community.


Representation letters and speakers highlighted the loss of parking spaces arising from the garage conversion into habitable space and removal of the boundary fence for off street parking.


Members also noted public safety concerns due to limited pedestrian access on pavements due to on-street parked cars, the inability to turn a car around within the road and the significant impact the parking constraints were having on local residents.


It was noted that some information in the report submitted by West Sussex County Council Highways was factually incorrect and Members required further details on dropped kerbs, vehicle crossover licences, and information on visibility splays and vehicle tracking.





That DC/23/0324 be deferred to allow for:


·       Further consultation with WSCC Highways regarding likelihood of a vehicle crossover licence; and


·       Submission of additional visibility splays and vehicle tracking information


DC/23/1024 21 Patchings, Horsham pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Ward: Forest

Applicant: Mr Jon Espley

Additional documents:


The Head of Development & Building Control reported that this application sought planning permission for the removal of a front porch and pitched roof, conversion of car-port into a garage, erection of a pitched roof to the rear extension and associated alterations.


Permission is required due to the height of the car-port which will be converted to a garage which is a later addition to the original dwelling. The application site is a two-storey dwelling located within the Built-Up area of Horsham. The dwelling is set back from Patchings with a driveway accessed off Patchings which can accommodate a number of parked cars.


Members note the planning history of the application.


Members were positive regarding the proposed extensions and alterations and felt they were appropriately designed and in-keeping with the existing area.





That planning application DC/23/1024 be granted in accordance with Officer recommendation.