Issue - decisions

Budget 2020/21

23/01/2020 - Budget 2020/21 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy to 2023/24


That the following be approved for consideration by Council on 12 February 2020:

i)             The level of Council Tax for 2020/21 be increased from £149.53 by £2.99 (2.0%) to £152.52 at Band D.

(ii)        The net revenue budget set out in Appendix A for 2020/21 of £11.201m be approved.

(iii)       The Special Expenses of £309,500 set out in Appendix D and a Band D charge of £25.85 be agreed in respect of the unparished area for 2020/21. 

(iv)       The capital programme for 2020/21 set out in Appendix E be approved and that the indicative capital budgets in the programme for future years be noted.

(v)        The projected future near-balanced budgets on the revenue account in 2021/22 to 2023/24 be noted and the Medium Term Financial Strategy continue to be reviewed and refined to ensure that decisions be taken to deliver these balanced budgets in these three years.

(vi)       The Minimum Revenue Provision Statement set out in Appendix F be approved.

(vii)      The Capital Strategy and prudential indicators and limits for 2019/20 to 2022/23 set out in Appendix G be approved.

(viii)     To note the statement on the robustness of the level of reserves in Appendix I.

(ix)       That the increases to fees and charges set out in Appendix J be approved.

(xi)       That the Council remain in the West Sussex business rates pool for 2020/21.

Reasons for Recommendations

To meet the Council’s statutory requirement to approve the budget and the prudential indicators before the start of a new financial year.