Issue - decisions

Former Novartis Site, Parsonage Road, Horsham, West Sussex

16/10/2019 - Former Novartis Site, Parsonage Road, Horsham, West Sussex





i)          The application for approval to the Head of Development, subject to completion of a legal agreement and appropriate conditions be approved.


ii)         In the event that the legal agreement was not completed within three months of the decision of the Council, or other later date as agreed by the Head of Development, the Director of Place be authorised to refuse permission on the grounds of failure to secure the Obligations necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms.


Reasons for Recommendation


i)          It was recommended that the application be delegated for approval as the proposal would bring forward the development of a strategic site allocated for mixed use within the Horsham District Planning Framework.  The proposal would provide much needed high quality employment space as well as an appropriate residential area.  The proposal utilises a brownfield site in a central and sustainable location, resulting in the regeneration of this strategic town centre site. 


ii)         It was recommended to delegate to the Head of Development in order that the detail and clauses of the necessary Legal Agreement could be finalised and all necessary conditions imposed. 


iii)        It is recommended that the legal agreement be completed within three months of the decision of the Council, or other later date as agreed by the Head of Development.  If not agreed, the Director of Place was authorised to refuse permission on the grounds of failure to secure the Obligations necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms.  This would allow the Director of Place the ability to refuse the proposal if it was considered that there had been unreasonable and prolonged delays in the completion of the agreement. It would also allow the Director of Place to extend this period if matters were progressing well, but further time was needed.