Issue - decisions

Gypsy and Travellers Site Allocation Document Proposed Submission

24/11/2017 - Draft Gypsy and Travellers Site Allocation Document Preferred Strategy



(i)         That the draft Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations Development Plan Document and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal documentation be published for an eight week period of consultation from 1st December 2017 to 26th January 2018.


(ii)        That the Cabinet Member for Planning and Development be authorised to agree minor editorial changes.




(i)         To ensure that the statutory requirements in The Housing Act 2004 and Town and County Planning (Local Planning) England Regulations 2012 are met in terms of seeking to provide for Gypsy and Traveller pitches to meet the identified need and inviting public participation in the preparation of a new planning document for the District.


(ii)        To allow for minor editorial changes. Any significant changes to the draft document would need to be reported back to Cabinet for approval before publication for consultation.