Agenda item

DC/19/1870 - Rowfold Kennels, Coneyhurst Road, Billingshurst

Ward:  Billingshurst

Applicant:  Tom Brooker


The Head of Development reported that this application sought permission for the demolition of the existing single storey outbuildings on the site and the erection of four single storey dwellings with associated access driveway and parking. The scheme would provide 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling and 3 x 4 bedroom dwellings.


The application site was located near the eastern side of Coneyhurst Road (A272).  The site was located outside any built up area boundary and was therefore situated within a countryside location. The site was bound by the railway line to the north.  The application site related to the area of land to the east of converted barn, Rowfold Kennels, which predominantly comprised four single storey buildings.  To the south the application site currently comprised a circular driveway, hardstanding used for car parking/storage, an open sided storage shed and a sandschool used in connection with the residential property.  The neighbouring residential property, Little Rowfold, is located approximately 30m to the west of the application site.


Billingshurst Parish Council objected to the application. One letter of representation was received from the occupiers of Little Rowfold who commented that as the owners of the shared driveway they would not agree to the additional vehicular use from the development and that the Applicant would need to put a new access in from the A272. A statement by the agent was read in support of the application.


Members considered the officer’s planning assessment which indicated that the key issues for consideration in determining the proposal were the principle of development, the character, design and appearance, the impact on neighbouring amenity, the impact to occupiers of the development and highways impacts.


There was a discussion around the acoustic impact from the nearby railway line.  Some Councillors were also very concerned about what would happen to the 22 dogs currently living at the kennels.  The Head of Development clarified that the rehoming of the dogs could not be made a condition of approval.  She further stated that noise considerations could be a factor in determining whether or not to grant approval.


It was noted that the site benefitted from prior approval for 5 dwellings and that the principle of residential development had been established. 



To resolve to grant planning permission subject to expiration of the public consultation period as the scheme as a departure, and delegation to the Head of Development to consider any representations received as a result of that consultation and subject to the recommended conditions and the following additional condition:


The proposed dwellings hereby permitted shall not be occupied until a scheme for the provision of electrical vehicle charging points has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall have regard to the requirements for electric vehicle charging within the latest West Sussex Parking Standards (2019). The approved scheme shall be installed prior to first occupation of the dwellings and shall thereafter remain as such.

Reason:  To provide electric vehicle car charging space for the use in accordance with Policies 35 and 41 of the Horsham District Planning Framework (2015) and the WSCC Parking Standards (2019).

Supporting documents: