Agenda item

DC/18/1792 - Great Ventors Development Site, Coolhurst Close, Monks Gate

Ward: Nuthurst

Applicant: Mr Burstow


The Head of Development reported that this application sought permission for the erection of five dwellings and associated works on an eastern parcel of land within a site allocated in the Nuthurst Parish Neighbourhood Plan (NPNP).  The western parcel had been granted planning permission (DC/15/1946 and DC/17/0667) and works on this western parcel had begun.


Matters for consideration under this outline application were the principle of the development and access via Coolhurst Close (using the new access from Nuthurst Road granted under DC/15/1946) with all other matters reserved for future determination.  The indicative housing mix comprised: one 2-bedroom bungalow; two 3-bedroom houses; and two 4-bedroom houses.  A financial contribution in lieu of affordable housing had been secured for the western parcel of the site.


The application site was located in Monks Gate adjacent to the A281. It formed part of a paddock associated with Great Ventors Farm east of the site.  There was mature vegetation and trees on the northern and southern boundaries, with open countryside to the south.  There were dwellings immediately to the northwest along the A281, and other dwellings beyond.


Since publication of the report comments had been received from the Council’s Strategic Planning team that sought to clarify Policy 5 within the NPNP regarding the number of dwellings that could be allocated to the site, and how the NPNP related to policies within the Horsham District Planning Framework.  Public speakers were given the opportunity to read these comments before speaking, and the Chairman asked the Development Manager to read the statement to the meeting before Councillors determined the item.


The Parish Council raised a number of objections to the application.  There had been 60 objections, 42 of which were received within the consultation period. Monks Gate Residents Association had also objected to the proposal.  Since publication of the report there had been a further objection; details of this and the officer response, as set out in an addendum to the report, were noted.  Three members of the public spoke in objection to the application and the applicant and one member of the public addressed the Committee in support of the proposal. A representative of the Parish Council spoke in objection to the application.


Members considered the officer’s planning assessment which indicated that the key issues for consideration in determining the proposal were:  the principle of development; character and appearance; its impact on neighbouring amenity; affordable housing; highways impacts; drainage; and ecology.


Members noted concerns regarding the number of dwellings proposed and considered these in the context of policy advice as set out in the report and in the addendum.  With regards to neighbouring amenity it was noted that details of the proposal would be considered under a reserved matters application.  After careful consideration Members concluded that at the proposal was acceptable. 


Members were advised of an amendment to the recommendation, as set out in the addendum to the report, to ensure that the legal agreement is completed in a timely manner




(i)      That a legal agreement be entered into to secure affordable housing financial contributions.


(ii)     That on completion of (i) above, planning application DC/18/1792 be determined by the Head of Development with a view to approval. 

(iii)     In the event a suitably worded legal agreement has not been completed by 6 February 2019, or other later date as agreed by the Head of Development, to refuse the application in consultation with local Members.

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