Agenda item

DC/17/2074 - Land adjoining The Orchard, Cowfold Road, West Grinstead

Ward: Cowfold, Shermanbury & West Grinstead

Applicant: Mr Paul Welch


The Head of Development reported that this application sought permission for the change of use of woodland to a holiday lodge caravan park with 23 caravan pitches on concrete bases arranged centrally surrounded by managed woodland.  The caravans would include grey, green or brown timber effect panels and be intended for holiday use only.  The removal of some low or medium quality trees was proposed, though trees along the boundaries would be retained and replacement planting was included in landscaping proposals.


The proposed access was from the A272 Cowfold Road, through the Orchard Restaurant carpark. Each caravan would have two car parking spaces, with four additional visitor parking spaces near the site entrance. 


The application site was located in the countryside on the northern side of the A272 Cowfold Road and west of the Downs Link footpath.  It was close to the small hamlet of West Grinstead.  The Orchard Restaurant lay to the southeast.  The site was overgrown with trees and shrubs and included some dilapidated outbuildings.


Details of relevant government and council policies and relevant planning history, as contained within the report, were noted by the Committee. The responses from statutory internal and external consultees, in particular that of the Ecology Consultant who objected to the proposal, were considered by the Committee.


Since publication of the report the applicant had agreed with West Sussex County Council to contribute £4,000 towards resurfacing improvements and developing facilities at the former West Grinstead Station along the South Downs Link.  This would be secured through a legal agreement.


The Parish Council objected to the application.  Twenty-one letters of objection had been received, including one since publication of the report which raised concerns regarding foul and surface water drainage serving the development. Three members of the public spoke in objection to the application.  A representative of the Parish Council also spoke in objection. The applicant’s agent addressed the Committee in support of the proposal.


Members considered the officer’s planning assessment which indicated that the key issues for consideration in determining the proposal were:  the principle of development and the legal definition of caravan and caravan site; landscape and visual effects; trees; highway impacts and parking; ecology; and impacts on nearby and future residents.  It was noted that the legal agreement would restrict the caravans to holiday accommodation use only.


Members discussed ecological impacts that the loss of woodland would have, in particular on protected species supported by the site (dormice and great crested newts), and whether the proposed mitigation measures were adequate. Members were also concerned whether the restrictions limiting use of the units to holiday purposes only would be effective.


Members weighed any potential benefits to tourism and the local economy against the harm to the woodland habitat and protected species and after careful consideration concluded that the proposal was unacceptable.




That planning application DC/17/2074 be refused for the following reasons:


01     The proposal would result in a detrimental impact on the biodiversity of the site through loss of habitat, significantly affecting protected species such as dormice and great crested newts.  This harm would not be outweighed by the economic benefits of the proposal.  The development is therefore contrary to Policy 31 of the HPDF (2015). 


02     The scheme is considered unsustainable and unsuitable development in the countryside resulting in a significant loss of woodland.  The proposal would have a detrimental impact on the landscape character of the area and is an inappropriate departure from the Local Plan, contrary to the objectives to Policies 1, 2, 3, 4 & 26 of the HDPF (2015).

Supporting documents: