Agenda item

DC/17/2131 - Nowhurst Business Park, Guildford Rd, Broadbridge Heath

Ward: Itchingfield, Slinfold & Warnham Applicant: Norman Marshall Ltd


The Head of Development reported that this application sought permission for the development of up to 26,942 square metres for employment uses (industrial, storage and distribution) with ancillary offices, car parking, drainage works, landscaping and service yard areas. Whilst all matters were reserved for future determination apart from the principle of development and access, the submitted parameter plans were a material consideration.  The proposal as first submitted had been amended in response to concerns regarding the building’s impact on the rural setting.


An addendum to the report advised Members that further amended plans had been submitted which doubled the depth of the ‘reduced eaves height zone’ fronting Nowhurst Lane, and reduced the maximum eaves height within this zone from eight to six meters, with the overall height of any building in the zone reduced from 12 to 10 metres.  The addendum provided a reworded Condition 24 to reflect these changes. 


The addendum also included an amended Condition 4 regarding phasing requirements, and an amended Condition 14 to provide greater clarity on expectations of the Noise Management Plan.  Members were also advised of the withdrawal of the Number X1 Bus Service along Guildford Road.  This service had not been mentioned in the Highway Authority’s comments, and its withdrawal was not considered by officers to render the development unsustainable


The application site was located off the A281 north of Nowhurst Lane and included an underused industrial site accessed from a roundabout.  Part of the site had been used as landfill.  The site also included an area of undeveloped countryside. There were dwellings along Nowhurst Lane and three Grade II listed buildings in the locality.


Details of relevant government and council policies, as contained within the report, were noted by the Committee. Relevant planning history was also noted, including a similar outline application DC/16/2941 that had been refused; differences between the refused proposal and the current application were highlighted in the report.


The responses from statutory internal and external consultees, as contained within the report, were considered by the Committee.


The Parish Council objected to the application.  In response to the initial consultation 15 letters of objection (from 12 households), and one letter of support, had been received. Following consultation on the amended scheme, 10 letters of objection, from 9 households that had responded to the first consultation, had been received.  Two members of the public spoke in objection to the application and one member of the public spoke in support of it. The applicant’s agent addressed the Committee in support of the proposal. A representative of the Parish Council spoke in objection to the application.


Members considered the officer’s planning assessment which indicated that the key issues for consideration in determining the proposal were: the principle of development; the need for employment floorspace in the district; the reuse of previously developed land; landscape and visual impact; access; heritage assets; the amenity of surrounding occupiers; ecology; and drainage and flood risk.  It was noted that a legal agreement would be required to secure: a shuttle bus service; highway and bus stop improvements; and a 25 year landscape management and maintenance plan.


Members considered the benefits of regenerating and expanding an existing employment site and concluded that these benefits outweighed the harm to the rural setting. Members raised some concerns regarding the proposed conditions, in particular those regarding noise management and hours of operation, and requested that the conditions should be clarified and agreed with Local Members.  




(i)      That a legal agreement be entered into to secure:


a)  the delivery of a shuttle bus service in accordance with the pricing mechanisms, service management and time scales set out in the Transport Assessment;

b)  the delivery of the highway and bus stop improvements to the A281;

c)  a 25 year landscape management and maintenance plan.


(ii)     In the event that the legal agreement is not completed within three months of the decision of this committee, the Director of Planning, Economic Development and Property be authorised to refuse permission on the grounds of failure to secure the Obligations necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms.


 (iii)    That on completion of (i) above, planning application DC/17/2131 be determined by the Head of Development with a view to approval subject to conditions to be agreed in consultation with the Local Members. 

Supporting documents: