Agenda item

Cabinet Member Interview

Councillor Philip Circus, Cabinet Member for Housing and Public Protection


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Public Protection was invited to provide Members with their portfolio summary before answering questions raised by the Committee.


1.    Commuted Sums (approximately £11m) were accepted by HDC from developers in lieu of building Affordable Homes. It is suggested that the Homes Company, under consideration by the Council in partnership with a RSL, may use the bulk of the Commuted Sums as seed capital. In that event, will the majority of the dwellings built by the Council’s company be Affordable Homes and with exclusive nomination rights for HDC?


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Public Protection replied as follows:


We already support Housing Associations (RSL’s) with commuted sums payments to maximise delivery of affordable rented accommodation on sites. The intention is definitely for this to continue wherever possible.


Any affordable rented accommodation built by a housing company created by HDC will provide 100% nomination rights to those in housing need on Horsham’s housing register.


2.    Can the Council’s Housing Officers confirm that ex-members of HM Forces are given priority in accommodation allocation when seeking residence in Horsham District? Also, can they indicate how many such applicants have been identified in the past three years?


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Public Protection replied as follows:


We have signed up to the Armed Forces covenant, as such Armed Forces personnel in urgent housing need receive additional preference through the Housing Register and Nominations Policy.


These members of the Armed Forces need to be eligible, qualify and not be disqualified.


The following groups of Armed Forces personnel have an automatic qualification:


           Be a former or serving member of the armed forces who needs to move because of a serious injury, medical condition or disability sustained as a result of their service or


           Be a bereaved spouse or civil partner of a member of the armed forces leaving Services Family Accommodation following the death of their spouse or partner or


           Be a serving or former member of the Reserve Forces who needs to move because of a serious injury, medical condition or disability sustained as a result of his/her service


           Be a member of the Armed Forces or former service personnel that has been discharged in the previous five years.


3.    As RSLs are now obliged to build the bulk of new homes as Shared Ownership/Starter Homes how do our Housing Officers see their further options for nominated families for Affordable Homes?


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Public Protection replied as follows:


Housing Associations (RSL’s) are not currently required to build the bulk of new homes as shared ownership or starter homes.


The Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF) currently requires 70/30 split of the 35% affordable in favour of affordable rented accommodation with the remainder being shared ownership.


This can be amended based on specific scheme viability but the starting point is always weighted towards affordable rented properties.


The Housing White Paper is due to be released 6th February 2017. This will provide guidance on starter homes amongst many other issues in respect of planning, construction and possibly incentives for over occupying older residents to vacate their homes.    


4.    I see from news reports that single homeless men are outside the rules which oblige Councils to house homeless families. I also see that some £48m is to be made available to remove this discrimination. Do we have any idea of the numbers involved and if HDC will be a recipient of funding?


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Public Protection replied as follows:


Towards the end of 2016 we were successful with a joint bid alongside District and Borough Council’s in East and West Sussex in securing Rough Sleeper funding of £470,000. 


Representatives from East and West Sussex authorities (Horsham are represented) are meeting 22nd February to plan the next steps and how this additional funding will be used to best support rough sleepers. The funding will likely be split 50/50 between East and West Sussex.


Background rough sleeper figures for 2016 Sussex rough sleeper count are:


           Increase of 66 from 78 to 144 in Brighton and Hove (+ 85%), these make up over half the rough sleepers in Sussex

           Increase of 16 from 40 to 56 in East Sussex (+ 40%)

           Decrease of 13 from 93 to 80 in West Sussex (- 14%)


Horsham’s figures are as follows:


           2016 – 6

           2015 – 3

           2014 – 2

           2013 – 5

Supporting documents: