Agenda item

DC/22/1815 Land at Brook Hill, Cowfold

Ward: Cowfold, Shermanbury and West Grinstead

Applicant: Abingworth Developments Ltd


The Head of Development and Building Control reported that this application sought full planning permission for the erection of 35 dwellings with associated engineering operations and works. There will be a mix of 1 to 4 bed dwellings on site and 12 units will be for affordable housing.


Since the publication of the report the applicant has agreed to explore an additional 50 metre upgrade to the Right of Way 1744 behind Thorndean to the village facilities which will be finalised in the Section 106 legal agreement. Further resilience has also been given to the Water Neutrality Strategy with a commitment to a second bore hole located onsite at a deeper depth to function as a back up. In the event of approval, amendments will be made to the relevant conditions in the report.


The site is located west of the A281 in the village of Cowfold and outside of the Built-Up Area Boundary. The Cowfold Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and Cowfold Conservation Area are 170 metres south of the site.


34 representations were received objecting to the proposal which included a petition of 72 names – but with no addresses or signatures provided. One representation was received in support of the proposal, and one received neither objecting nor supporting.


The Parish Council neither supported or objected to the proposal. Two speakers objected to the proposal and the Agent and one other speaker spoke in support.


Members noted the planning history of the application.


Members raised concerns regarding the house designs, potential flood risk, traffic issues, impact on air quality, pedestrian footpath and provision of bat and bird boxes.


The Environment Agency had stated the site was compliant and not in a flood risk area and conditions setting out the drainage strategy would be finalised and secured should the application be approved.

Confirmation was given that a road safety audit had been undertaken by West Sussex County Highways regarding traffic and no objections had been raised. Bird and bat boxes were also being supplied on site and trees maintained as far as practicable.


Members expressed concerns regarding an increase in air pollution as the proposed site was on the edge of the Cowfold Area Quality Management Area and identified in the Neighbourhood Plan. The applicant had submitted an Air Quality Assessment (AQA) and mitigation measures as part of the conditions.


Further discussion involved water neutrality and the use of bore holes on the site. Work and consultation had taken place with The Environment Agency and Natural England regarding the use of bore holes and tests undertaken satisfied that water neutrality could be achieved. Members gained clarity on why a second bore hole was required and how the system would operate if there were power supply issues.


A number of Members raised concerns regarding the design of the proposed houses to be more in keeping with the rural area.  Officers however felt the house types were sympathetic to the traditional Sussex design and conditions would ensure high quality materials were used.


Ward Members were keen to ensure they were consulted on the architectural detailing of house types prior to the commencement of any building work above slab level and it was therefore proposed and seconded to amend Condition 17 in the report.





That planning application DC/22/1815 be approved in accordance with Officer recommendation subject to the conditions in the report and completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement with an amendment to Condition 17 to agree the architectural details in consultation with local Ward Members







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