Agenda item

Recommendations from Cabinet

To receive and, if approved, adopt the recommendations from the meeting of Cabinet held on 28 September:


(a)   The Council Plan 2023-27, the Annual Plan 2023-24 and their resourcing (report of the Leader of the Council is available at: Agenda item 6)


(b)   Conservation Area Assessment and Designations: Horsham (Park Terrace Gardens) (report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Infrastructure is available at: Agenda item 7)


(c)   Supply of Tyres and associated Parts & Services for Horsham District Council & Crawley Borough Council (report of the Cabinet Member for Environmental Health, Recycling and Waste is available at: Agenda item 14)


(d)   Disabled Facilities Grant - approval of budget and grant allocation (report of the Cabinet Member for Environmental Health, Recycling and Waste is available at: Agenda item 15)





Councillor John Milne, Deputy Leader, introduced the Council Plan and the Annual Plan, and noted that the vision was to ensure that residents were supported, businesses were encouraged and visitors were welcomed. Ensuring that the District was a great place to live for all groups was a priority. The Council Plan set out a shared vision, set out under 4 main themes. A revised Annual Plan was presented for the remainder of the financial year. The Annual Plan would enable the Council to be flexible, and the consideration of the Annual Plan with the budget would ensure transparency and accountability.


It was proposed that funding for two posts for Project Management in the Property team would be provided. This would ensure that progress is made against projects in the capital programme.


Councillor Dennis Livingstone seconded the proposal and spoke in support of the objectives.


Members spoke in support of the recommendations, with a particular focus on the importance of improving greener futures. Flexible working investment was discussed, and the anticipated support this would provide to the economy of the town, and villages in the District.




(i)            That both plans be adopted, as approved.


(ii)           That £48,010 expenditure for the two new posts, outlined in section 3 of the Cabinet report, be added to the budget for 2023/24.




(i)            The Council must have a policy framework on which to base its decisions. The Council Plan and Annual Plan are the core documents of this framework.


(ii)           The Council needs enough staff in project management and property to progress the current year’s capital programme and new projects in the Annual Plan.





Councillor John Milne, Cabinet Member for Planning & Infrastructure, proposed that Park Terrace Gardens be designated as a conservation area, due to the intact Victorian heritage and detailing. The Council were advised that wide public consultation had taken place in relation to the proposed conservation area, and those that submitted responses were thanked. The area was amended as a result of the consultation to ensure that the boundary was robust, and the removal of the business area would ensure that these businesses would be able to adapt to the changing commercial environment. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Anthony Frankland.


Members thanked the community for their involvement throughout the consultation period, and offered their support to the proposal, highlighting the importance of the conservation of historical areas.




(i)            That the designation of Park Terrace Gardens, (as shown on the Conservation Area designation map (Map 1) included in the Cabinet report) be approved as a conservation area.    


(ii)           That the adoption of the Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan for Park Terrace Gardens, as set out in Appendix 2, be approved.


(iii)          That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Planning & Infrastructure to approve minor changes prior to final publication of the Conservation Area designation map and Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan. 




(i)            To formally designate the new conservation area boundary.   


(ii)           To provide updated conservation area guidance for residents, occupiers, developers and Members in determining applications.  


(iii)          To give the Cabinet Member for Planning and Infrastructure delegated authority to approve minor changes to the Conservation Area designation map and Conservation Appraisal and Management Plan, without the need for it to be referred back to Cabinet.





Councillor Jay Mercer, Cabinet Member for Environmental Health, Recycling & Waste, advised that a procurement process had been undertaken jointly with Crawley Borough Council for the supply of tyres and association parts and services. The Cabinet approved the award of a contract to the highest scoring bidder at their last meeting. The Council were asked to increase the recycling and waste tyre budget to cover the increased costs of this contract. It was noted that this was due to rising costs, and that the current budget was forecast to be overspent.


Councillor James Brookes seconded the motion.




That the recycling and waste tyre budget be increased in 2023/24 by £6,600 to cover the expected higher costs under the new contract.




            Full Council must approve budget changes.





Councillor Jay Mercer, Cabinet Member for Environmental Health, Recycling & Waste, explained that there had been a national top up for the Disabled Facilities Grant for 2023-24 and the Council were notified that they would receive an additional £122,495. The Cabinet had agreed that the fund would be allocated under existing policies. Councillor Joanne Knowles seconded the motion to receive the Grant, and for it to be included in the capital programme budget. The importance of the fund was highlighted, as it would provide home adaptions to those who were elderly or disabled.




(i)            That the receipt of the 2023/2024 Disabled Facilities Grant in the sum of £122,495, be approved.   


(ii)           That an increase in the 2023/2024 capital programme budget to include the additional £122,495 Disabled Facilities Grant, be approved.




(i)            Increasing the capital budget will allow the Council to receive and spend the disabled facilities grant offered by Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities. This will fund the provision of home adaptations to help eligible older and disabled people to live as independently and safely as possible in their homes.


(ii)           Full Council must approve increases to budgets.


(iii)          Cabinet approval is required to (i) allocate the grant funds, and, (ii) delegate authority to the relevant officer to administer grant applications in line with existing policy. The allocation of grant funds constitutes a key decision given the allocation of the grant fund pot could significantly affect the lives of people residing in the district.

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