Agenda item

DC/23/0701 - Old Clayton Boarding Kennels, Storrington Road, Washington

Ward: Storrington and Washington

Applicant: Mr Jon Bray


The Head of Development & Building Control reported that this application sought permission for the demolition of existing kennels and cattery buildings and dwellings, and the erection of a 60-bed care home and eight age-restricted bungalows with associated access, landscaping, and other works (including relocation of existing saddle stone barn). 


The application followed application DC/21/2161, which had been refused by the Committee in January 2023 (Minute no. PCS/36 (24.01.23) refers).  The current proposal sought to overcome the reasons for refusal: 


The proposal is contrary to the Storrington Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan, being sited outside of the Built-up Area Boundary, with the development bulk and size inappropriate for a rural location directly across the road from the South Downs National Park, and which would significantly impact on the aims of the Neighbourhood Plan to retain green gaps between communities, and with water neutrality not proven satisfactorily.’


The presenting officer advised that the Council’s Arboricultural Officer raised no objection with no significant concerns regarding the impact on trees of high amenity value or landscape merit. 


The Committee was updated on a response from the Local Lead Flood Authority (WSCC), which identified shortcomings in the Flood Risk Assessment and drainage strategy, including rainfall data and micro-drainage quantities.  The Council’s Drainage Engineer was satisfied that if this data were provided and technical solutions put forward, these issues could be resolved via discharge of the conditions within the officer’s recommendation, in consultation with the Flood Authority. 


The application site was located on the north side of the A283 Storrington Road to the east and south of the residential estate of Milford Grange.  Milford Grange Country Park lay to the north. The site was outside of the South Downs National Park (SDNP) boundary but within the Dark Night Sky Zone.  


Washington Parish Council and Storrington & Sullington Parish Council both objected to the application.  There had been thirteen representations objecting to the application from ten separate addresses, including an objection from the Milford Grange Management Company.  Since publication of the report an additional anonymous letter of objection, which included concerns regarding pressure on health care provision, had been received.


Three members of the public spoke in objection to the application and the applicant and two members of the public addressed the Committee in support of the proposal. A representative of Washington Parish Council and Storrington & Sullington Parish Council both spoke in objection to application.


Members considered the consultees’ responses and the officer’s planning assessment, which included legal advice regarding the reason for refusal relating to the Neighbourhood Plan, and the updated Water Neutrality Statement, which gave details of the proposed offsetting retrofit at the care home in Henfield to the satisfaction of Natural England.  It was also noted that currently the Council was unable to demonstrate an adequate five-year housing land supply.


There was a detailed discussion during which Members considered the impact of the proposal on the amenity of nearby residents and how the size and bulk of the redesigned building would relate to the National Park. 


After careful consideration Members concluded that the previous reasons for refusal had been overcome and the proposal was acceptable.




(i)      That a Legal Agreement be entered into that would secure various obligations to make the development acceptable in planning terms. 


 (ii)   That on completion of (i) above, planning application DC/23/0701 be determined by the Head of Development & Building Control with a view to approval and subject to conditions. 

Supporting documents: