Agenda item

DC/21/1831 Smith and Western, 37 North Parade, Horsham

Ward: Trafalgar

Applicant: Mr and Mrs Cox




The Head of Development & Building Control sought planning permission for the demolition of existing restaurant facility and erection of 20 residential apartments including landscaping, external works, parking and cycle spaces.


This application followed previous application DC/20/0614 which was refused at committee in December 2020 due to the scale, design and proposed building and no legal agreement being completed to secure the affordable housing requirement.


The development comprised seven 1- bed and 13 2-bed apartments occupying a corner plot with dual frontage to North and West Parade. The building formed two distinct separate buildings with the overall footprint reduced from the previously refused scheme.


The Parish Council raised no objection to the scheme.

Two separate consultations periods had taken place as further information had been received. 21 letters of objections had been received (2 from 3 different households) and one letter of support.


The agent spoke in support of the application.


Members considered the consultees’ responses and officer’s planning assessment which included the following key issues: principle of development, design and appearance, affordable housing, impact on neighbouring amenity, highways impact, climate and water neutrality.


Members were generally in support of the application and felt the new proposal was a huge improvement on the previous refused application. They were positive that previous comments at Committee had been taken into consideration and felt the development would enhance the local area.


Some concern was raised regarding demolition and construction works affecting local residents and neighbouring properties. The Committee were advised that further requirements could be added to Condition 3 of the report under the Construction Management Plan regarding demolition and protecting the local amenity.


The Committee discussed that under the current plans provision had not been provided for non standard cycles in the cycle parking shelter. A further requirement  would be added under Condition 15 to address this issue. Officers advised the Committee that the offer of £50,000 for affordable housing in lieu of the affordable housing review mechanism was appropriate in this instance.





That planning application DC/21/1831 be approved subject to a legal agreement to secure the affordable housing contribution and appropriate conditions as reported to include the addition of demolition and dust prevention to Condition 3, and with Condition 15 to include reference to non-standard cycle provision as follows:


Pre-Occupation Condition: Prior to the first occupation of any part of the development hereby permitted, details of the covered cycle parking shelter for the occupants of, and visitors to, the development shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include provision for non-standard cycles. No dwelling herby permitted shall be occupied or use hereby permitted commenced until the approved cycle parking facilities associated with that dwelling or use have been fully implemented and made available for use. The provision for cycle parking shall therefore be retained for use at all times.


Reason: To ensure that there is adequate provision for the parking of cycles in accordance with Policy 40 of the Horsham District Planning Framework (2015).


Supporting documents: