Agenda item

Horsham Park management plan update


The Head of Leisure and Culture presented an update on the Horsham Park Management Plan.


The previous update to the group was prior to the pandemic, the previous management plan (2008-2017) provided substantial investment in the park and there was subsequent ongoing investments and improvements too.


Currently procurement is taking place for improvements to the skate park with installation planned for Spring/Summer 2022; clearing and opening up of the pond has taken place with some further work planned; the play area had received substantial improvements last year; new recycling bins had been provided; improved site security; station entrance replanting was about to start and the Community Safety team are upgrading CCTV and improving security in the park and at the underpass.


In 2018 a comprehensive Horsham Park consultation took place with focus groups, Neighbourhood Councils, key stakeholders and visitors. Trip Adviser feedback was also considered with overwhelmingly positive feedback. The results showed that visitors really enjoy and value the park. Key issues highlighted were a wish to improve toilet facilities, manage litter (more bins now provided) and manage rats which is tightly managed by Pest Control. 


The park has received Green flag status in 2020 and 2021 and supported greatly by volunteers, Denne Neighbourhood Council and Friends of Horsham Park.


The draft New Plan had four guiding principles:

·         Infrastructure and planting would evolve to become more climate resilient. With wetter winters football pitch drainage would be considered as well as maintenance of pathways.

·         The value of the park must be recognised for the residents (especially since the Pandemic) for well being and a vital social space.

·         To look at improving the wildlife value of the site and to ensure good ecological practice. Areas of consideration would be reducing peat and chemical spray usage, varying mowing regimes and reducing perennial and shrub beds.

·         Widening involvement in the park through volunteering as well as hosting events; recognising that it is a sensitive balance for different users of the park.


Within the management plan, stakeholder aspirations have also been included from Friends of Horsham Park and Denne Neighbourhood Council. It was recognised that budget provision was not yet available for this but gives focus for future discussions. Suggested items for future consideration were widening and improving the perimeter access to make it an all weather park, providing a separate toilet block and repeating the satisfaction survey in 2023.


The Head of Leisure and Culture advised the group that the plan was an important live’ document and action plan and reviewed annually. Close work would continue with stakeholders and it would continue to be a collaborative process.


Members requested to be involved in any future consultations to be part of the review process. It was requested that as part of the CCTV improvements consideration would be given to cameras at the front of the Pavilions as a number of bike thefts had taken place in this area. Councillors agreed that dedicated toilets should be prioritised as a future aspiration. It was also requested that casual tennis court use be considered in the future.