Agenda item

DC/21/1539 - Land at Easteds Barn, Easteds Lane, Southwater

Ward:  Southwater North

Applicant:  Southwater Parish Council


The Head of Development & Building Control reported that this application sought retrospective permission for the change of use of 67 square metres of public open space so that it can be used by children attending the day nursery at Easteds Barn.  An area of 559 square metres east and west of Easteds Barn, which currently has permission for use by the nursery, would be retained as public open space.   The application included planting at Nutham Lane open space to compensate for a stretch of mature hedging that had been removed from the 67 square metres site.


Since publication of the report, officers recommended that the 1.1m height restriction on proposed shrub planting within the amended planting plan be removed and the wording of condition amended accordingly to reflect the original planting plan. 


The application site was located within the built-up area of Southwater adjacent to Nutham Lane open space. There was a range of dwellings around this space.  The site bordered the Easteds Barn site and included and an area of grassy open public space.


There had been 12 representations from nine households objecting to the application.  Since resubmission of the planting plan to include a height restriction on the shrub planting, a further two objections had been received and  since publication of the report a further 11 objections, from seven households, relating to the hedge height restriction had been received.


Two members of the public spoke in objection to the application and the applicant and applicant’s agent addressed the Committee in support of the proposal.


Members considered the consultees’ responses and the officer’s planning assessment, which included the following key issues: the principle of development; design and appearance; impact on heritage assets; neighbouring amenity; landscape and trees; and ecology.


Members discussed the need to ensure the additional planting was appropriately positioned and maintained so that biodiversity was allowed to flourish whilst concerns about safety were met.  It was therefore proposed that Condition 2 relating to a Biodiversity Planting Strategy be agreed in consultation with Local Member Councillor Billy Greening, the other Local Member having declared a prejudicial interest.




That planning application DC/21/1539 be granted subject to:


(i)          an amendment to Condition 2 so that the Biodiversity Planting Strategy be agreed in consultation with the Local Member.


(ii)         Condition 3 reverts to the original planting plan not the revised planting plan.


Regulatory Condition: All planting works shall be carried out in accordance with the details contained in the Planting Plan 07 (Decimus Designs, received 22 July 2021) within the first planting season following the approval of planning permission. Any planting, which within a period of 5 years, dies, is removed, or becomes seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.


Reason:  To ensure a satisfactory development that is sympathetic to the landscape and townscape character and built form of the surroundings, and in the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policy 33 of the Horsham District Planning Framework (2015).



Supporting documents: