Agenda item

Officer Q&A

To receive an Officer response to the initial list of questions from the Group, with further questions and answers


The Senior Projects Engineer and the Head of Strategic Planning joined the meeting to answer questions from the Group.


1.         How much ownership of the LCWIP process did HDC's officers have, and how much was delegated to WSP?


            WSP produced the first draft document in consultation with HDC. The final document was produced by HDC in consultation with WSP and the Public.


2.         How much influence did WSCC Highways have on the LCWIP process, and how?


WSCC had no influence over the process, however they formed the LCWIP Group Partnership between Borough and District Councils across the county.


3.         We understand that WSP is prioritising routes across the county to take forward for funding, using a multi-criteria assessment tool – what schemes has Horsham put forward, and how were these selected?


            WSP had produced a draft list of schemes taken from different LCWIPs across the county that they felt were most likely to receive funding. This draft list would then be discussed at the next meeting of the LCWIP Group Partnership to form a final list. This final list would then be sent to WSCC to apply for a capability fund (for scheme design only, not implementation).


            The draft list would be circulated to Members of the Task & Finish Group.


4.         Looking forward, how will Horsham promote its schemes within this WSCC process and ensure best possible chance of funding?


            The promotion of schemes will be decided on a case-by-case basis as funding is received. The more easily deliverable schemes would be more likely to receive funding and would be put forward first.


5.         What active travel projects does Horsham hope to achieve from the LCWIP and otherwise and over what timescales?


            HDC had put forward an initial six schemes but would need to wait for the next LCWIP Group Partnership meeting to formalise a timescale.


6.         What does ‘success’ look like for us?


The production and adoption of the LCWIP would be considered the first success for HDC. Funding for and implementation of as many schemes from the LCWIP as possible would be a measure for success going forward.


7.         What is the ongoing work programme?


HDC would be seeking funding for schemes whenever possible and continue to work with WSCC to implement as many schemes as possible.


8.         What are the constraints: political, financial, technical expertise, reliance on outside bodies?


The main constraint for HDC would be funding as there would be no set budget for LCWIP schemes.


9.         Given what officers now know about the LCWIP process and the new guidance, what, if anything, would they change?


New standards (LTN 1/20) have come into effect after the production of the LCWIP. The LCWIP would undergo continuous review and would be amended when necessary to adhere to any new standards.


10.       What do officers see as the main funding sources for significant NMU infrastructure outside of new developments, and who should be exploring these sources?


The LCWIP would mainly be funded by CIL, S106, active transport grants and capability funds.


11.       Did Horsham town's active travel scheme (Covid-19 travel lanes) originate within HDC or WSCC, and what scrutiny by elected representatives was there of the design process?


WSCC oversaw the pop-up cycle lane schemes across the county. The Horsham scheme was proposed by WSCC and refined in a meeting between HDC and WSCC. The final scheme was agreed by HDC Cabinet Members.


12.       What monitoring of Horsham town's active travel scheme was carried out before, during, and after removal of the cycle lanes, and by whom?


WSCC had sent officers to monitor the pop-up cycle lane and installed automated traffic counters and air quality monitoring stations.


13.       What would officers do differently to enable active travel in the next pandemic?


The Pop-Up cycle lane was a scheme that was brought to HDC by WSCC. HDC worked with WSCC to refine the scheme and would do so again should there be another national lockdown.


It was agreed that written answers for the final two questions prepared by the Group would be circulated at a later date.