Agenda item

The 2022/23 Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy to 2025/26

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Finance


RESOLVED to Recommend to Council


i)        That the level of Council Tax for 2022/23 increases from £157.52 by £4.57 (2.9%) to £162.09 at Band D.


ii)       That the net revenue budget set out in Appendix A for 2022/23 of £12.188mis approved.


iii)      That Special Expenses of £323,330 set out in Appendix C and a Band D charge of £26.83 are agreed in respect of the unparished area for 2022/23. 


iv)      That the capital programme for 2022/23 set out in Appendix D be approved and that the indicative capital budgets in the programme for future years be noted.


v)      That the projected future budgets on the revenue account in 2023/24 to 2025/26 are noted and the Medium-Term Financial Strategy continues to be reviewed and refined to ensure that decisions are taken to set balanced budgets in these three years.


vi)      That the Minimum Revenue Provision Statement set out in Appendix E is approved.


vii)     That the Capital Strategy, Treasury Strategy, Investment Strategy and prudential indicators and limits for 2021/22 to 2024/25 set out in Appendix F are approved.


viii)    To note the statement on the robustness of the level of reserves in Appendix H.


ix)      That the increases to fees and charges set out in Appendix I and I(i) and I(ii) are approved.


 x)     Delegate to the Director of Community Services in consultation with the relevant Cabinet lead temporary changes to fees and charges in the form of offers and incentives during the year, as well as the setting of charges for sports development activities as all offerings are being revised and will take account of variable costs such as facility hire and coaching rates.





To meet the Council’s statutory requirement to approve the budget and the prudential indicators before the start of a new financial year.


Councillor Hogben introduced the annual Budget and revised MTFS following the Government’s draft financial settlement. He set out the key points of the budget, including the budget requirement for 2022/23 of £12.188m, which was £1.1m lower than in 2021/22 due to the gradual recovery from Covid lockdowns. 


The provisional settlement was on a similar funding basis to last year, although indications were that the Government’s 2023/24 settlement would have quite a severe impact on the Council’s financial position, for reasons set out in the report.   However, due to the decision to remove New Homes Bonuses from operational budgets from 2016 to 2019, the Council was well prepared to address this. 


The proposed Council Tax increase of 2.9% was a prudent level that balanced the needs of residents with future risks to the Council.  The increase approximated to 9p a week for a Band D property and Horsham District continued to have one of the lowest rates in West Sussex and was within the lowest 25% nationally.


Councillor Hogben also drew attention to: the £10m capital programme; £1m committed towards the Council’s green agenda, with measures to reduce carbon emissions and improve the environment within the district; and £200k supporting the economic recovery in the district.


With regards to the MTFS, the outlook remained extremely uncertain, with limited details on the Government’s proposed changes to Business Rates and the Fair Funding Review, and no certainty regarding funding for food waste collections.


In response to concerns raised by Councillor Martin Boffey, Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Hogben reiterated that the Council Tax rise was modest given the economic pressures.  Councillor Hogben and Councillor Chowen agreed to a meeting with Councillor Boffey and Councillor Louise Potter, Leader of the Minority Group, to discuss ideas regarding financial measures taken by the Council to help the most financially vulnerable.


Councillor Hogben commended the budget for 2022/23 as a prudent budget that was appropriate at a time of certainty.




i)        That the level of Council Tax for 2022/23 increases from £157.52 by £4.57 (2.9%) to £162.09 at Band D.


ii)       That the net revenue budget set out in Appendix A for 2022/23 of £12.188mis approved.


iii)      That Special Expenses of £323,330 set out in Appendix C and a Band D charge of £26.83 are agreed in respect of the unparished area for 2022/23. 


iv)      That the capital programme for 2022/23 set out in Appendix D be approved and that the indicative capital budgets in the programme for future years be noted.


v)      That the projected future budgets on the revenue account in 2023/24 to 2025/26 are noted and the Medium-Term Financial Strategy continues to be reviewed and refined to ensure that decisions are taken to set balanced budgets in these three years.


vi)      That the Minimum Revenue Provision Statement set out in Appendix E is approved.


vii)     That the Capital Strategy, Treasury Strategy, Investment Strategy and prudential indicators and limits for 2021/22 to 2024/25 set out in Appendix F are approved.


viii)    To note the statement on the robustness of the level of reserves in Appendix H.


ix)      That the increases to fees and charges set out in Appendix I and I(i) and I(ii) are approved.


 x)     Delegate to the Director of Community Services in consultation with the relevant Cabinet lead temporary changes to fees and charges in the form of offers and incentives during the year, as well as the setting of charges for sports development activities as all offerings are being revised and will take account of variable costs such as facility hire and coaching rates.




To meet the Council’s statutory requirement to approve the budget and the prudential indicators before the start of a new financial year.

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