Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Via Remote Access

Contact: Email:  Direct Line: 01403 215465

No. Item


To agree the time of meetings of the PDAG for the Municipal Year


It was agreed that meetings of the PDAG will continue to be held at 5.30pm.


Notes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To receive the notes of the Planning & Development PDAG held on 20 February


The notes of the Planning & Development PDAG held on 20 February were receivedWith regards to sewerage infrastructure and the role of Southern Water, Members were advised that the stakeholder group had met last week and any relevant updates from this and future meetings would be shared with the Group.


Horsham Park Terrace / Wells Cottages Proposed Conservation Areas

There is a legal duty placed on Local Planning Authorities to designate conservation areas where appropriate, to review the designations regularly, and to plan for the management of conservation areas to ensure that they retain their special character and interest. In this context Land around Norfolk Terrace, Horsham and the Wells Cottages in West Chiltington are proposed to be designated as Conservation Areas. An update on the progress of this work to date will be presented to the group for their views.


The Group were reminded that the rolling programme of reviewing the existing 37 Conservation Areas and assessing areas with the potential for designation as new Conservation Areas. 


Public consultation on a new Conservation Area for the Park Terrace Gardens area in Horsham had taken place and the proposed Conservation Area designation. This included online drop-in sessions and detailed discussions with the community. These remain under consideration in terms of how best to ensure the boundary reflects the historical integrity of the area and reflect community aspirations and concerns.  


There had also been a public consultation for a new Conservation Area for Wells Cottages, West Chiltington.  It was noted that because there had been 44 consultation responses officers were engaging with some residents and businesses and therefore more time was required in finalising the proposal before it could be considered by Cabinet later in the year.


Update on CIL Governance for Horsham Town

To update Members on the outcome of the recent consultation and discuss next steps


Cabinet Member explained why the three Neighbourhood Councils were unable to access Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds directly because they were not governed by the same legislation as Parish Councils; the allocation of CIL for the unparished area was retained by HDC.


The Head of Planning & Building Control updated the Group on progress on agreeing governance arrangements for allocating CIL for the unparished area of the town.  Consultation had taken place with the Neighbourhood Councils and local members in December 2022, and a summary of the responses was provided.


The Group discussed the extent to which district ward members might be involved, and how agreement on how allocating of funds could be reached.  They considered the governance arrangements in place for Parishes, and the consultation responses from Neighbourhood Councillors and Ward Members.


The Cabinet Member thanked the Group for their input, which would help to inform the final proposed governance arrangements.  Further engagement would take place with interested parties ahead of finalising the CIL Governance.


To discuss process for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project Governance

The Rampion 2 offshore windfarm extension proposes infrastructure within Horsham District including part of the cable route and a new substation at Cowfold/Bolney. The windfarm extension constitutes a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project. Planning consents for these types of schemes are determined by the Secretary of State through an application process known as a Development Consent Order (DCO).  A DCO application is expected to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in early summer 2023 (July/August) and the Council will be required to make its representations within prescribed timetables. To ensure the views of this Council can be submitted in accordance with these deadlines the group will discuss the process the Council will use to respond to the relevant consultation or engagement stages of the Development Consent Order process in respect of the Rampion 2 DCO, as well as any future DCO which impacts on the district.


The Senior Planning officer explained the reason for the forthcoming consultation on the Rampion 2 project, which required a new cable route and sub-station in the district. 


Given the scale of the project, the application would be determined by the Secretary of State through a Development Consent Order (DCO), and Horsham District Council’s role would be that of a consultee.  The Group noted the draft report that would be considered by Cabinet on 20 July and noted the stages and tight time scales when HDC would need to submit consultation responses to the Planning Inspectorate. Whilst the DCO has not yet been submitted, it is expected to be submitted over the summer.


The Cabinet Member advised that Cabinet would be recommended to give delegated authority to the Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economy, to respond to consultations as part of any future DCO application, to ensure these are responded to in the required timescales.  He agreed that this could be in consultation with relevant Local Members following the discussion at PDAG. Noting that Local Members would have to engage and respond quickly given the tight timescales.


Land charges

To receive a briefing on the proposed small increase in Land Charges fees


The Head of Planning & Building Control advised that the Council provided Local Land Charge searches on request. It was proposed that the fee for this service be increased by £5 plus VAT. The reason for this increase was to compensate for an increase of £5 plus VAT in the fee charged by WSCC for information required by HDC to complete the process. 


The Group were supportive of the proposal, which would allow HDC to fully cover the costs of undertaking the searches.  The proposal would be considered by Cabinet and recommended to Council on 20 July.


Regular update on progress of key strategic sites allocated in the HDPF

To update the Group on progress in delivering the key strategic sites allocated in the adopted Horsham District Planning Framework


The Head of Development & Building Control gave an update on progress on previously allocated sites, which were in the process of development. It was noted that progress on several sites was stalled or slowed because of Water Neutrality. Solutions and a way forward to address the Water Neutrality issue were being sought and Members would be kept informed.


Land North of Horsham: Bohunt School had been delivered, and the first parts of Phase One were commencing, with some homes occupied.  Progress on the site had been effected by Water Neutrality with some aspects paused.


Southwater: the final phase, Phase Five for 80 units had been approved in November but progress was being held up because of Water Neutrality.


Land East of Billingshurst:  504 units have been delivered, of which 138 are affordable. Infrastructure works including a new spine road, roundabout, bus stops, flood attenuation, play areas, teen trim trail, pavement widening, land allocation for a new school and expansion to the doctor’s surgery as well as biodiversity enhancements are underway as part of the scheme.  


Kilnwood Vale: 1,200 unites were now occupied out of a total of 2,500. Development had slowed because of Water Neutrality but a number of Reserved Matters applications were expected.


Highwood:  735 homes out of 1,044 had been delivered. The southern section as currently being built.


Novartis: Progress on this site was currently stalled due to Water Neutrality.


Forward Plan Extract for the Planning & Infrastructure Portfolio pdf icon PDF 123 KB

To note the Forward Plan extract for the Planning & Infrastructure portfolio


The Forward Plan extract was noted.