Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Via Remote Access

Contact: Email:  Direct Line: 01403 215465

No. Item


Notes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To receive the notes of the meeting held on 20 September 2022.


The notes of the meeting held on 20 September 2022 were received by the Group.


Queensway/Queen Street Consultation

The Group will receive feedback on the results of the residents and business consultation and asked to consider recommendations for a final scheme design.



The Corporate Project Manager provided an update on the consultation that had taken place in relation to Queensway/Queen Street. The consultation was shared with 70 residential and business addresses in the relevant area, and 28 responses were received. All the recommendations had received overall support. 


Additional suggestions were made and the Corporate Project Manager agreed to look at costs, and highlighted restrictions on other proposals.


The Group made further suggestions in relation to the management of scooter parking by a TRO, as well as bench provision.


Members discussed the use of CCTV to monitor issues, as well as collaborative working with the Police. It was agreed that Officers would liaise with the Community Development team to investigate the possibility of cameras.


The Cabinet Member advised that the scheme would be priced and progressed, and was not for further consideration by the PDAG. Officers advised that engagement with businesses has been and will continue to take place, and Officers would work with the Economic Development team.





Town Centre Vision Schedule

The Group will receive an update on what has been achieved and future proposed schemes. 



The Corporate Project Manager provided an update on the Town Centre Vision Schedule. Consultants had been employed to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the town, and proposed projects in relation to this. Officers were also undertaking studies in relation to Pedestrian Connectivity and a Walking, Mobility Scooters and Cycling Plan and the reports of these studies will be considered by the PDAG.


The importance of integrating these projects and local stakeholder engagement was noted.


Concerns were raised around the rapid deterioration of the roads in the town, and the Director of Place agreed to continue to raise this with WSCC. Visits have been undertaken with WSCC Highways Officers to ensure the most urgent work is focused on.


Carfax and Town Centre Street Furniture

The Group will be asked to consider proposals to refresh Town Centre street furniture.



The bandstand had been repainted, as well as other street furniture, and the remaining furniture requires repainting. The cost for the works was £50k and was within the budget. Members agreed on the use of a green and gold colour scheme, and discussed how the wooden benches can be best preserved. The work to the Carfax was expected to be completed in spring, subject to the contractor’s timescale. A decision in relation to the bike rack would be required.


It was suggested that the front of the post office requires work. It was confirmed that an offer was made previously, and that it was expected that St Catherine’s hospice would be occupying the premises shortly so work may not be required. Officers agreed to obtain timescales.


Members raised safety concerns in relation to unsecured benches and the Director of Place confirmed that the benches would be secured and would investigate why  benches had been moved. Officers agreed to look to reinstate the bench that had been removed from East Street.


The Group agreed for the Cabinet Member to proceed with the proposals.


Bishopric/Worthing Road Public Realm Upgrade

The Group will receive an update on the proposed design and delivery programme.



The Corporate Project Manager present the design, development and delivery plan for the Bishopric upgrade. It was anticipated that it would take a year to develop design, consult and gain planning permission, and another year to build the scheme. Updates will be provided to the PDAG throughout the process. There is another plan for Worthing Road, that follows a similar timescale. Due to budget limitations, the Carfax scheme  will be limited to design development to allow the Council to bid for further funding.



Forum Fountains Upgrade

The Group will receive an update on the proposed upgrade. 



Officers met  with contractors in the previous week.  The scope of work is being finalised, and engagement with consultants was underway to achieve the work within budget. Once the specification has been agreed, Officers will tender for a contractor.  Once a contractor has been appointed, timescales will be confirmed but the intention was that the fountain should be operational for Easter, with the  colour wheel to be reactivated.



Coronation Clock - West Street

The Group will receive an update on current progress to restore the clock and its re-installation.



The Legal Team are investigating the ownership and preparing an agreement for future maintenance and the schedule for repairs was being developed.


Forward Plan Extract for the Horsham Town Centre Portfolio

There are no items on the current forward plan.


It was noted that there were no items on the forward plan.