Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Wallis Room and via Remote Access

Contact: Email:  Direct Line: 01403 215465

No. Item


Notes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To receive the notes of the meeting held on 21 September 22.


The notes of the meeting held on 21 September 2022 were received by the Group.


Hot bins

To update the Group on the end of the Hot bin trials and consideration of possible subsidise to purchase.


The Group received a comprehensive presentation from the Recycling & Waste Strategy Manager and Recycling Project Officer on the Hot Bin Trials.


Members were reminded that the trial had taken place to gauge resident’s interests in diverting both garden and hot and cold food waste to produce compost.


The trial was considered in three phases, it started in August 2020, further participants joined the trial in April 2022 and the trial extended to some community groups and schools in the summer of 2022.

The overall aim was to test the effectiveness of Hot Bins reducing residual waste and results showed there was potential to reduce residual waste by 48% in the district.


Next steps included gaining data and insight into the community benefits for using the Hot Bins which could be used as case studies for best practice.


Horsham District Council was also exploring working in partnership with West Sussex Waste Partnership to provide subsidies to purchase Hot Bins and consider cheaper alternatives for residents.


Hot Bins were currently retailing at £300 per unit and Horsham District Council could offer Bins at a subsidised rate of £191.70 plus VAT.


The Group were positive about the trials and encouraged that the Hot Bins had a 10 year life span and  would compliment the current brown bins for garden waste.

Work was currently underway to look at cheaper market alternatives, finalise agreements with partners and then promote the scheme to residents.


Updates would be provided at future PDAGs.





Green Waste Fees

To consider the Green Waste fees for next year.


The Head of Recycling & Waste updated the Group on the Green Waste fees for next year.


Horsham District Council currently has around 35 000 customers using the scheme which is around 53% of the district.


The proposal for the 2023/24 garden waste subscription service would increase from £44 to £49 for the first bin and for any further bins from £35 to £41.


The Group were updated on current information, proposals for 2023/24 and considered risks in making the increase to charges.

Extensive research had been carried out comparing Horsham District Council (HDC) with neighbouring authorities and HDC was currently offering one of the cheapest subscriptions and providing a good value service.


It was highlighted to the Group that an area for future consideration would be recycling rates as a drop in subscription sign up could affect the Councils target of reaching a 55% recycling rate by 2025.


The Group generally felt that the increase was necessary especially in comparison to other authorities. There was agreement that this proposal should be considered at November Cabinet.




Fixed Penalty Notice Increase

To update the Group on the proposed increase to Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN).


The Head of Recycling & Waste updated the Group on the proposed increases to Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s).


At the September PDAG, the Group discussed in detail the current FPN’s and were in agreement that these needed to be increased substantially to discourage people from littering and fly tipping in the district.


The Group were reminded that the proposal was to increase FPN’s from £75 to £150 and an early payment fee would increase from £50 to £110. Comparison had been made with other local authorities and Horsham had been charging the lowest in West Sussex.


The proposed increase would be considered at Cabinet in November and if agreed, information on the increases would need to be publicised.


The Head of Recycling and Waste also advised the Group that Dash Cam footage showing littering and fly tipping could be reported to the Council and acted upon and promotion of this would also take place in the future.


The Group were positive about these changes.


Commercial Waste Tender

To update the Group on the Commercial Waste tender.


The Head of Recycling & Waste updated the Group on the Commercial Waste tender process.


They were reminded that the Business Waste service had grown over the last five years, requirements had changed with the inclusion of bulky bags and due to procurement regulations the Council is required to re-tender for the work. The contract would have a 5 year term with the option to extend for 2 years. Tendering would be divided into ‘lots’ dependent on the type of waste and could be awarded independently to give the best value for money.


The tender process was still in progress. The submission deadline was late October and moderation took place early November.


Contracts were awarded for Wood Waste, Commercial Waste and Bulky Bags.

Bids were not received for Food Waste, Paper & Cardboard and Dry Mixed Recycling.


Discussions are due to take place with West Sussex County Council for future use of their facilities.


Updates will be provided at the next PDAG.


November Cabinet will consider the Wood, Commercial Waste and Bulky Bag tenders.


Vehicle Refurbishment

To update the Group on the vehicle refurbishment.


The Group were advised that after an extensive tendering process a company had been awarded a contract to refurbish the Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCV’s).


The RCV’s had been inspected and required refurbishment in their bodies and cabs to extend their useable life. The RCV fleet would be refurbished over the next two years enabling use for a further six years. It was also considered that during this time alternative fuel options would be more available at a more reasonable cost and refuelling infrastructure in place.


It is planned that 1 vehicle will be refurbished in 2022/23, 10 vehicles in 2023/24 and 11 vehicles in 2024/25.


The report and recommendations would be considered at Cabinet in November.


Forward Plan Extract for the Waste & Recycling Portfolio pdf icon PDF 116 KB

To note the Forward Plan extract for the Waste & Recycling portfolio


The forward plan extract for Waste & Recycling was noted.