Agenda and minutes

Venue: Conference Room, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham

Contact: Email:  Direct Line: 01403 215465

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 109 KB

To approve as correct the minutes of the meeting held on 20 December 2022.

(Note: If any Member wishes to propose an amendment to the minutes they should submit this in writing to at least 24 hours before the meeting.  Where applicable, the audio recording of the meeting will be checked to ensure the accuracy of the proposed amendment.)


It was proposed by Councillor Mike Croker to amend the minutes of the meeting held on 20 December, Item 5, PCS/31 to add to the first sentence ‘permission for the erection of a two storey side extension’.  The proposal was seconded by Councillor Bob Platt and it was agreed and approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Members' Interests

To receive any declarations of interest from Members of the Committee


DC/21/2161 & DC/22/0695 Councillor James Wright declared a non prejudicial interest.


DC/21/2161 Councillor Diana van der Klugt declared a personal interest as she is a Member of the South Downs National Park.


DC/22/0695 Councillor Nigel Jupp declared a personal interest as he is a West Sussex County Councillor.



To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Committee or the Chief Executive


There were no announcements.


Appeals pdf icon PDF 80 KB


The list of appeals lodged, appeals in progress and appeal decisions, as circulated were noted.


DC/21/2161 Old Clayton Boarding Kennels, Storrington Road, Washington pdf icon PDF 414 KB

Ward: Storrington and Washington

Applicant: C/O Agent Dr Chris Lyons

Additional documents:


The Head of Development & Building Control reported that this application sought planning permission for the demolition of the existing kennels and cattery buildings/structures and existing dwellings and the erection of a 60-bed care home (Class C) and 8 age restricted bungalows (Class C3). Plans include associated access, landscaping and ancillary work.


Planning permission would be subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement.


The site area is approximately 1.36 acres and is located on the north side of the A283 Storrington Road to the east and south of the residential estate of Milford Grange comprising 78 dwellings. The land north is Milford Grange Country Park, a 4 hectare Local Green Space Allocation in the Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan.


The site falls outside of the South Downs National Park (SDNP) boundary but within the Dark Night Sky Zone.


Since the publication of the report a revised site plan had been received. An additional eight parking spaces had been added to the proposal amounting to 31 spaces in total and two of the proposed bungalows would be wheelchair access compliant. Clarity was provided on paragraph 6.84 and 6.85 of the report relating to Highways matters where the increase in traffic on the site was relating to traffic manoeuvres and West Sussex County Council had raised no objections.


Members noted the planning history of the application.


Thirteen letters of objection had been received from 13 addresses and two letters of support. Washington Parish Council objected the proposal.


Three speakers spoke in support of the application and one spoke in objection. Both Washington and Storrington & Sullington Parish Councils spoke in objection to the proposal.


Whilst Members acknowledged the shortfall of Care Home provision in the district, they noted that the site was not part of the approved Neighbourhood Plan, it was sited outside the Built Up Area Boundary and the design was considered out of keeping for the local area. Concerns were raised over the close proximity to the South Downs National Park, bus transport provision being sited opposite the proposal on a busy road and water neutrality information had not been proven satisfactory.


Officers advised that designs had been carefully considered, plans changed to improve the appearance of the proposal and Natural England had been consulted on water neutrality and raised no objections. Members considered the site was too close in proximity to neighbouring properties and boundary trees should be evergreen to offer further privacy.




That planning application DC/21/2161 be refused for the following reason:


The proposal is contrary to the Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan, being sited outside the Built Up Area Boundary, with the development bulk and size inappropriate for a rural location directly across the road from the South Downs National Park, and which would significantly impact on the aims of the Neighbourhood Plan to retain green gaps between communities, and with water neutrality not proven satisfactorily.


DC/22/0695 Woodmans Farm, London Road, Ashington pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Ward: West Chiltington, Thakeham and Ashington

Applicant: Mr Anthony Skeet

Additional documents:


The Head of Development and Building Control reported that this application had returned to Committee following deferral at Planning South Committee on 18 October for the applicant to provide additional information relating to noise assessment and water neutrality.


Full planning permission was sought for the change of use of two buildings to provide for the processing, packaging and distribution of game meat (a sui generis use) and associated office accommodation. Planning permission would be subject to appropriate conditions and completion of a Section 106 legal agreement.


The site comprised a number of agricultural buildings no longer in use, previously used as a dairy farm. Some residential dwellings are located to the south-west of the application building and Woodmans Farm was located to the West. The wider area is characterised by open countryside and woodland and the A24 located to the far west of the site.


Since the publication of the report two additional letter of support had been received and additional comment from the Environmental Health Officer outlining that early morning or night delivery times would not be supported.


Since October 2022 Committee, six additional letters of objection had been received from six separate households.


The Parish Council spoke in objection to the proposal and three further speakers objected. Three speakers spoke in support of the application.


Members acknowledged that even though the applicant had submitted additional information on noise assessment and water neutrality as requested, there were still concerns regarding the effect on nearby residential properties, amount of vehicle movements on the site and the proximity to the busy A24 road.


It was however acknowledged that the business was a working farm, extremely important for the local rural community and for controlling deer in the area.




That planning application DC/22/0695 be approved in accordance with the Officer recommendation subject to the conditions and completion of Section 106 Legal agreement as set out in the report.