Issue - meetings

Local Development Scheme

Meeting: 12/01/2017 - Planning & Development Policy Development Advisory Group (Item 17)

Local Development Scheme

This is the timetable for the preparation of Development Plan Documents, which includes the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule, the Site Allocations Document and the Horsham District Planning Framework Review. The Cabinet Member wishes to seek the advice of the group on the timetable and focus of the Site Allocation Document.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Sustainability outlined the timetable for the preparation of Development Plan Documents, including the CIL Charging Schedule, the Site Allocations Document and the Horsham District Planning Framework Review.


The group heard that the Site Allocations Document will focus on Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople.  Evidence gathering was underway to assess the need for provision for the plan period to 2031 and to identify potential sites. 


The group spoke of their preference that the consideration of options to address the shortfall not be limited to one area in the district. Officers explained the timetable for the preparation of a draft document for consultation in May/June 2017 and that an additional meeting of the group would be scheduled in March to provide the Cabinet Member with advice on the content of the consultation document.


Turning to the Local Development Scheme review, the Head of Strategic Planning and Sustainability gave an overview of the timetable to meet the Inspector’s requirement that the Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF) Review be underway by November 2018. The HDPF Review is going to be called the Horsham District Local Plan and a consultation document, is likely to be published in the autumn, which will focus on policy areas such as employment and countryside protection. In response to a question, the group heard that the review was not required to specify a date by which it would end.


The Chairman thanked Officers for their summary and reminded Members that the Neighbourhood Planning Conference was scheduled for 25 January in Billingshurst.