Agenda item

DC/15/0896 - Kingslea Farm, Marringdean Road, Billingshurst (Ward: Billingshurst & Shipley) Applicant: Countryside Properties


The Development Manager reported that this application sought permission for 87 dwellings, with access and public open space.  The properties would be designed to reflect the local vernacular.  The site had been allocated for housing within the HDPF. 


There would be 18 2-bedroom flats, and 11 2-bedroom, 37 3-bedroom, 12 4-bedroom, and nine 5-bedroom houses.  35% of the units would be affordable housing, comprising the 18 2-bedroom flats and four of the 2-bedroom and eight of the 3-bedroom houses.


The units would be arranged as detached and semi-detached pairs and short terraces of up to four houses.  The flats would be in two buildings on the northern side of the site. 


Access would be from Marringdean Road, approximately two-thirds of the way along the eastern boundary, 70 metres to the south of the junction serving Kingsfold Close.  There would be pedestrian and cycle links throughout the site, including a footpath parallel to Marringdean Road.   Proposed parking comprised 192 allocated parking spaces and 19 visitor spaces provided across the site.  A gateway feature would be introduced within Marringdean Road designed to reduce the speed of traffic travelling north, towards the development site. Improved cycle links into Billingshurst were also proposed.   Apart from the vehicular access, trees and hedgerows around the perimeter of the site would be retained and reinforced. 


The application had originally been submitted for 107 units and had been amended to allow for larger landscape buffers around the southern, western and eastern edges of the site, to improve the transition from the dwellings to the adjacent countryside, and to reduce the impact of the development on the setting of Gilmans Farm, a Grade II listed building to the north of the site.  


The Locally Equipped Area of Play (LEAP) in the south-western corner of the site that had been included in the original submission had been replaced with a woodland trail which included timber play equipment.  


The application site was located south of Billingshurst railway station and 1.5km from the town centre. The nearest bus stops supplying an hourly service to Horsham and Burgess Hill were approximately 400 metres from the application site.  The site was a field enclosed by trees and hedges.  Marringdean Road was beyond the eastern boundary.  There was a cul-de-sac on the eastern side of the road.   The Grade II listed building lay to the north and there was a farm and open countryside to the south. 


Details of relevant government and council policies, as contained within the report, were noted by the Committee. There was no planning history relevant to the site itself, but Members noted the history of a number of permitted developments nearby. 


The responses from statutory internal and external consultees, as contained within the report, were considered by the Committee.  


Since publication of the report the Heritage Consultant had commented on the amended proposal for 87 dwellings; the amended proposal would result in less than substantial harm to the setting of the listed building, but the impact would be lasting and irreversible, changing the rural character to suburban.   The Landscape Architect raised no objection to the amended proposal, subject to conditions.  The applicant had distributed a briefing note to all members of the Committee in advance of the meeting.


The Parish Council had objected to the application. Thirty-one letters of objection from 23 households had been received in response to the application for 107 units, and a letter from CPRE had also been received; 17 letters of objection from 16 addresses had been received in response to the amended application for 87 dwellings.  The Applicant and the applicant’s agent both addressed the Committee in support of the proposal.


Members considered the officer’s planning assessment which indicated that the key issues for consideration in determining the proposal were; the principle of the development; dwelling type and tenure; layout density and landscaping; the design of the dwellings; residential amenity; heritage impact; highways, access and parking; and flood risk and drainage; its impact on the character and appearance of the South Downs National Park and landscape setting; heritage assets and archaeology; design; impact on the amenities of nearby residents; highways; ecology; and drainage and flood risk.


Members sought assurance that the footpath running parallel to Marringdean road within the site would be retained and maintained. It was agreed that the conditions would be amended during the determination of the application to secure this.  It was also requested that parking provision be scrutinised during the determination of the application to ensure the proposed level was sufficient.




(i)            That a legal agreement be entered into to secure affordable housing provision and infrastructure contributions.


(ii)          That on completion of (i) above, planning application DC/15/0896 be determined by the Development Manager in consultation with the local Members. The view of the Committee was that the application should be granted.


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