Agenda item

DC/18/2212 - Easteds Barn, Easteds Lane, Southwater

Ward: Southwater

Applicant: Catherine Tobin


The Head of Development reported that this application sought permission for the erection of an entrance porch and the addition of a number of windows and changes to the existing ones. There would also be an internal reconfiguration to include the creation of a first floor. 


The building was restricted to non-residential use under permission DC/11/2502 for a single storey extension. The proposal would enable the proposed change of use of the building to a children’s nursery.


The application site was located within the built-up area of Southwater in a residential area with a playground and large open space south of the site.  It was a single storey barn like structure. Vehicular access was from Easteds Lane to the west, there was pedestrian access from Nutham Lane to the east.  There was a 22-space carpark next to the building. 


An addendum to the report had been circulated to Members advising of the consultation response from the Highway Authority, which raised no objection and recommended a condition to secure a travel plan statement.  An additional condition to secure a Travel Plan was therefore recommended.  The addendum also advised of the Council’s Environmental Health comments which included the recommendation that the applicant enter into a voluntary agreement with the local authority to provide the equivalent of a Noise Management Plan.


Southwater Parish Council was the applicant.  Thirteen objections from 11 households had been received.  Since publication of the report a further four objections had been received, details of which and the officer response were included in the addendum. Three members of the public spoke in objection to the application. A representative of the Parish Council, which was the applicant, spoke in support of the proposal.


Members considered the officer’s planning assessment which indicated that the key issues for consideration in determining the proposal were:  the principle of development; the character of the development and its impact on the visual amenities of the street scene; the amenities of neighbouring occupiers.


Members concluded that proposal would not have a detrimental impact on the building or the surrounding streetscene and the proposed change of use would not significantly change the building’s impact on neighbouring amenity.


In the light of concerns raised regarding noise disturbance, as set out in the addendum, it was agreed that an Informative be sent to the applicant advising them to liaise with the Council’s Environmental Health team to agree measures which would reduce the potential for any disturbance to adjoining residents.




That planning application DC/18/2212 be granted subject to the conditions as reported, with the following additional pre-occupation condition to secure an approved Travel Plan Statement:


The first floor of the building shall not be brought into use until such time as a Travel Plan Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Travel Plan Statement shall be completed in accordance with the latest guidance and good practice documentation as published by the Department for Transport or as advised by the Highway Authority. The Travel Plan shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To encourage and promote sustainable transport in accordance with Policy 40 of the Horsham District Planning Framework (2015).

Supporting documents: