Agenda item

DC/20/2497 - Lane Top, Nutbourne Road, Pulborough

Ward: Pulborough, Coldwaltham & Amberley

Applicant: Mr J Smith


The Head of Development & Building Control reported that this application sought permission for the construction of two additional settled Gypsy accommodation site pitches.  The proposal included the demolition of a stable building and the change of use of the land to allow for the additional pitches, including two parking spaces and a bin store.  Access would be via the existing drive, with additional hardstanding to accommodate access and parking for the additional pitches. 


Since publication of the report, Southern Water had confirmed that their concerns had been addressed and the amended block plan, showing areas of easement to the water supply main and to the sewer, was acceptable.


The application site was located outside the built-up area to the south of Nutbourne Road.  It was historically used as an agricultural paddock, and more recently for two Gypsy pitches and one unrestricted dwelling.  There were also a number of outbuildings along the boundary.  The proposed two pitches would be located in the northern undeveloped part of the site.  There was a cluster of residential dwellings nearby with open countryside beyond.


The Parish Council objected to the initial consultation in January and submitted two further consultation responses objecting to the proposal, following the applicant’s submission of an amended plan.  There had been 59 representations, from 33 households, objecting to the application.  An objection from CodmoreAgainst Rural Decline had also been received. 


A highway safety report commissioned by Nutbourne residents, which rebutted the recommendations of the Highways Authority, had also been received. 


An addendum to the report advised of a letter that Richard Buxton Solicitors had submitted, since publication of the report, objecting to the Highways Impacts section of the report and the weight officers have given to the Local Highways Authority consultation response.  The addendum set out the officer’s response.


Three members of the public spoke in objection to the application. A representative of the Parish Council also spoke in objection.


Members considered the officer’s planning assessment which indicated that the key issues for consideration in determining the proposal were:  the principle of development; landscape character; amenity impacts; and highways impacts.   Members noted the planning history of the site.


Members raised a number of concerns about the proposal, including the raised topography of the site and how it related to nearby dwellings, and that the location was unsustainable in terms of access to amenities.  In particular, Members discussed the length of the visibility splay to the west and were concerned it was insufficient to allow for safe egress from the site.  After careful consideration, the Committee concluded that the intensification of traffic movements caused by the proposal would have a detrimental impact on highway safety.  




That planning application DC/20/2497 be refused for the following reasons:


The proposed development would result in an intensification of vehicles movements utilising the access, which due to the limited attainable visibility splay to the west would result in an unacceptable impact on highways safety.  The proposed development would therefore be contrary to policies 40 and 23 of the Horsham District Planning Framework (2015) and paragraph 109 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Supporting documents: