Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Wallis Room and via Remote Access

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Notes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To receive the notes of the meeting held on 10 June 2024


The notes of the meeting held on 10 June were received.


Draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Consultation Response

Following on from the Member Briefing session on 5th August, this item will provide an opportunity to input into the Council’s response to the Government’s consultation on the NPPF and planning reforms.




The Senior Planning Officer presented the proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and highlighted the impact on Horsham District Council. The response to the consultation would be submitted in the coming weeks, and Members views were sought.


Members queried the impact of a revised NPPF on the recently submitted Local Plan, specifically in relation to housing land supply. It was confirmed that the examiner would review the submission against the September 2023 version of the NPPF, as transitional arrangements were in place. The changes proposed would impact the next Local Plan review  and Members were asked to consider this in providing their response to the consultation.


Concerns were raised in relation to housing supply requirements, and issues surrounding water neutrality were noted. The Local Planning Authority (LPA) is not able to ensure that approved developments are built, and the issues in relation to delayed delivery of development were recognised.


Members highlighted the need for improved infrastructure and that the LPA should have more control in ensuring the delivery of such infrastructure.


Draft Economic Development Framework

Members will receive a presentation from the Economic Development Consultant on the Economic Prospectus and Business Charter and seek feedback.




The Economic Development Consultant introduced the draft Economic Development Framework, outlining the importance of economic development, the drivers of change and its relationship to the Council Plan. The outcomes of the workshop were presented, and the proposed service offer outlined. The next steps of the prospectus and charter were detailed.


Members welcomed the proposals and acknowledged the improved position of Horsham town centre over time. It was also noted that the town, and surrounding communities, had benefited from the movement of people out of London and Surrey.


The strategic position of the District within the southeast was noted, however there was a need to improve digital connectivity across the district, in both the towns and rural areas


Members also discussed the business support that could be provided, and it was suggested that a partnership with the Business Improvement District would be beneficial, as would a focus on providing modern workspace to meet the current and emerging needs of businesses. Developing networks between local businesses would also be valuable, and ways in which to do so were explored. 


The business newsletter needed to be promoted to ensure that businesses were aware of the support available, and it was suggested that information could be included in the Horsham app. The importance of providing support that responded to local need was highlighted, as was the scope for involving local businesses in the public procurement processes which would also aid business to business trading. This would form a key element of developing a circular economy to support local businesses and the wider community.



Forward Plan extract for the Local Economy and Place & Planning and Infrastructure portfolios pdf icon PDF 132 KB

To note the Forward Plan extract for the Local Economy and Place & Planning and Infrastructure portfolios


The forward plan extract was noted.