Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Howard Room, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham

Contact: Email:  Direct Line: 01403 215465

No. Item


Notes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To receive the notes of the meeting held on 6 September 2018


The notes of the meeting held on 6 September were received.


Conservation Area Appraisal Programme

To update the PDAG and seek its views upon the proposed Conservation Area Appraisal review programme over the next 12 months.  Five Conservation Area Appraisals & Management Plans were published in January 2018 (Pulborough, Storrington, Steyning, Billingshurst and Henfield).  Work has now begun on identifying those remaining settlements that would benefit most from a Conservation Area Review


The Cabinet Member summarised the work that had been done to date on the Conservation Area Appraisal Programme.  Five Conservation Areas had been reviewed last year, and adopted in January 2018.  The remaining Conservation Areas would be reviewed over time. 


The Principal Planning Officer advised that the next two settlements proposed for review were Slinfold and Warnham as they were two settlements under some pressure from development with either completed or well advanced Neighbourhood Plans.  The PDAG were presented with a draft timetable which anticipated a six week consultation in early 2019 before reporting to Cabinet in May.


The PDAG were supportive of this approach.  


The Cabinet Member asked Members to contact her directly with suggestions of the next areas within the District that should be prioritised for review, including any areas within the built-up area boundary of Horsham town.


Horsham Local Plan Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) and Local Plan Review update

To update the PDAG upon the progress made in delivering against the key policies of the adopted Horsham District Planning Framework and to provide the group with an understanding regarding the next steps in taking forward the review of the Horsham District Planning Framework


Local Plan Authority Monitoring Report (AMR)


The Cabinet Member advised the group that the latest AMR setting out the key elements of progress against adopted Local Plan policy etc. in the past year, including an update of the Council’s housing land supply would be published on the Council’s website in December, in line with the Localism Act 2011.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a presentation with the current position in respect to housing completions including affordable housing, housing affordability, demography, employment and retail changes.  The presentation confirmed a five year housing land supply at the present time. 



The main issues raised by Members were the importance of ensuring permitted development was constructed in a timely manner, and ensuring housing mix reflected the needs of the district, with more emphasis on smaller properties. The Director of Place advised that the Council engaged with the larger developers through regular meetings, and that the team was presently reviewing its evidence base to help consider its future policies regarding housing mix in the Local Plan Review.


The Local Plan Review


The Principal Planning Officer summarised progress on the Local Plan Review to date.  The first stage had included an ‘Issues and Options’ consultation on employment sites, previously approved by Cabinet.  The Local Plan Review would plan for the period up to 2036 and seek the provision of efficient homes, including affordable homes, to meet the needs of the community.


Protection and enhancement of the natural environment was a significant factor and the Review would seek a net gain for biodiversity and the mitigation of adverse effects.  The Director of Place confirmed that the updated NPPF strengthened the protection of veteran trees and Ancient Woodland of over two hectares. 


Members noted the review timetable which anticipated the Inspector’s Report and adoption in 2021.


The presentation would be circulated to the group, together with a link to the government’s inventory of veteran trees.


Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople update

To update the PDAG on current progress in meeting identified needs for the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople communities and seek the PDAG’s views regarding the next steps in planning for the future needs of these communities



The Principal Planning Officer gave a brief update together with details of planning applications and appeals in 2018, and the way forward with regards to updating the evidence base in respect of Gypsy & Traveller accommodation needs, and a further call for potential sites next year.


The PDAG agreed with the Cabinet Member’s proposal to develop a new policy regarding the allocation of new Gypsy and Traveller sites as part of the Local Plan Review.  The PDAG suggested that new strategic housing allocations should also include Gypsy and Traveller provision, an approach already adopted by some other local authorities.


Brownfield Land Register

The Council published its first Brownfield Land Register in 2017 in accordance with new legislative requirements.  This register must now be reviewed and updated annually, and an update on the outcome of this review process will be set out


The Council’s Brownfield Land Register had been published last year for the first time in accordance with legislative requirements.  The register recorded sites big enough to sustain up to five homes and required annual updating.  The Principal Planning Officer outlined details of the draft updated register, which included two new sites that had been identified by Parishes during work on Neighbourhood Plans, and some other minor amendments.


The group noted the updated plan, which would be published on the Council website in December.


Appeals and Compliance statistical review

To update PDAG members on the statistical performance relating to Development Management planning appeal decisions, compliance appeal decisions, any cost decision awards by the Planning Inspectorate and enforcement action taken by the Council



The Cabinet Member had asked for a breakdown of information regarding the outcome of appeals and a briefing on the work of the Building Compliance Team. 


The Head of Development presented details on planning appeals determined and costs awarded (two against and one in favour of the Council).  Currently 28% of appeals were lost, which was slightly better than the internal target of 30%.  An analysis of decisions made over the last two years showed the team to be performing well.


The extent of work carried out by the Compliance Team was noted, with a general breakdown of the 589 cases reported in 2017 given to the group. There had been an increase in the number of complaints regarding alleged breaches over the last year.  All seven appeals in compliance had been upheld.


The Cabinet Member thanked the Compliance Team for their hard work.


Forward Plan Extract for the Planning and Development Portfolio pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To note the Forward Plan extract (if any) for the Planning and Development Portfolio


The item on the Forward Plan for the Planning & Development portfolio was noted.