Agenda item

DC/17/1499 - Firtops, Grove Lane, West Chiltington

Ward: Chanctonbury
Applicant: Mr & Mrs P Barker


The Head of Development reported that this application sought permission for the erection of a two-storey 4-bedroom dwelling with detached garage, associated hardstanding and alterations to the access.  The application had been deferred by the Committee in December 2017 to allow for the design of the development to be reconsidered because of its potential overbearing impact on the amenities of Firswood Cottage and to achieve a design more in keeping with the style prevalent in the immediate setting (Minute No. PSC/53 (19/12/2017) refers).


The application site was located on a large residential plot off Grove Lane within the West Chiltington build up area.  Members were referred to the previous report which contained details of relevant policies, planning history, the outcome of consultations and a planning assessment of the proposal.


Amended plans had been submitted that lowered the site ground levels by an additional half a metre and the applicant had provided details of proposed external materials and confirmed that timber cladding would be used on the garage. Other minor amendments, including to fenestration, had also been submitted.


An additional condition was recommended by officers requiring details of tree protective fencing, to be in place prior to the commencement of work and maintained until the works were completed, to be submitted for approval to the local planning authority. 


A site visit had been carried out to re-assess the proposed character, design and siting of the dwelling and how it related to neighbouring properties.  Members were advised of the conclusions drawn by officers regarding amenity impact and design: the separation distances were considered acceptable; and the use of white painted brickwork on the dwelling and timber cladding on the garage were considered to be in keeping with other properties in the vicinity.


Since publication of support a further letter of objection had been received.  Two members of the public spoke in objection to the proposal, and the applicant’s agent addressed the committee in support of the proposal.


Members discussed the impact on neighbouring amenity in the light of additional details, the separation distances and orientation of the building.  Some Members were still concerned that the scale and massing of the building could have an adverse impact on the amenity of the neighbouring property and on the character of the streetscene. 


After careful consideration Members concluded that the proposal had addressed some of the Committee’s previous concerns and noted that the scale of the building was not exceptional in an area of houses of varied sizes and designs.  Officers agreed that an additional condition to secure appropriate screening of the site would be added to protect the neighbouring amenity.       




That planning application DC/17/1499 be granted subject to the conditions as reported, and two additional conditions:


(i)    to require details of tree protective fencing, to be in place prior to the commencement of works and maintained until works are completed, to be submitted for approval; and

(ii)   to secure satisfactory screening of the new house, to be agreed in consultation with Local Members and to be in place prior to occupation.

Supporting documents: