Agenda item

S106/17/0015 - The Holbrook Club, North Heath Lane, Horsham (Ward: Holbrook East) Applicant: DMH Stallard


The Head of Development reported that this application sought permission for an amendment to Schedule 4 of the legal agreement that covered permissions DC/16/2855 (58 dwellings on part of the playing fields of The Holbrook Club) and DC/16/2856 (new 3G football ground at Horsham Golf and Fitness).  The amendment would facilitate commencement of works on the residential development at The Holbrook Club site before the football pitches at Horsham Golf and Fitness Club were completed.  To facilitate this amendment, the applicant proposed interim measures to accommodate the displaced football teams when the 2018 football season begins.   


The application site was located in the built-up area of Horsham and comprised approximately one third of land at The Holbrook Club.  The site was west of Jackdaw Lane, and east of the club, which was accessed from North Heath Lane to the west. 


Details of relevant government and council policies and relevant planning history, as contained within the report, were noted by the Committee.  The responses from statutory internal and external consultees, as contained within the report, were considered by the Committee.


An addendum to the report had been circulated to Members advising of a revised recommendation that included a further variation to the legal agreement attached to DC/16/2855 and DC/16/2856 to secure the three conditions set out in 6.13 of the report.   The revised conditions were as follows:


1. The Residential Development shall not commence until the 2017/18 football season has ended on 3rd April 2018 and works have commenced on site for the Football Ground Application.


2. The Residential Site Owner will provide alternative football pitch use in the local area for the teams listed below for the 2018/19 football season from April 2018.



Holbrook 3rd Team (if applicable)

Horsham Park

Holbrook 4th Team

Horsham Park

Chesworth Rovers U10s

Forest School

Chesworth Rovers U11s

Forest School

Chesworth Rovers U16s x 2

College of Richard Collyer


3. The Residential Site Owner covenants with the District Council not to allow more than 50% of the open market units on the residential site to be occupied until the pitches at the HFC facility are available for use.

The addendum also included a revised recommendation requiring the amendment to be secured through a deed of variation. 


North Horsham Parish Council supported the application.  Southwater Parish Council objected to it.  A Member of the Committee, who had objected to the application, withdrew their objection prior to the meeting.  The Holbrook Club supported the proposal. Since publication of the report the Horsham Society had objected to the proposal, as advised in the addendum to the report. The applicant’s agent addressed the Committee in support of the proposal.  


Members considered the officer’s planning assessment which indicated that the key issue for consideration in determining the proposal was whether the proposal had a significant impact on the displaced teams during the interim period.   It was noted that Sport England required the interim arrangements to be made clear and legally binding.


Members concluded that the interim arrangements were acceptable.




(i)      That a modification, by way of a Deed of Variation, be made to the legal agreement attached to permissions DC/16/2855 and DC/16/2856, to secure the revised conditions as set out in the addendum to the report.


(ii)     That, subject to (i) above, a modification, by way of a Deed of Variation, be made to Schedule 4, Part 1 of the legal agreement attached to permissions DC/16/2855 and DC/16/2856, to allow commencement of the approved residential development at The Holbrook Club prior to the approved pitches for Horsham Golf and Fitness being ready for use.

Supporting documents: