Agenda item

DC/17/0388 - Land south of Broadbridge Heath, Old Wickhurst Lane (Ward: Broadbridge Heath) Applicant: Mr Simon Cocks


The Head of Development reported that this application sought permission for a Neighbourhood Centre, which would include a nursery, four commercial units, 24 apartments and a detached parish office building, with 71 parking spaces and landscaping.  The application related to outline permission DC/09/2101 for up to 963 residential dwellings, a Neighbourhood Centre, and other infrastructure at Wickhurst Green.  The application also included downgrading works to the A264 as required under permission DC/09/2101.


The 24 apartments would be above the retail units in a two/three-storey building and comprise five 1-bedroom and 19 2-bedroom units.  Ten affordable units were proposed, which would be part-funded through commuted sums already paid by the applicant for the wider Wickhurst Green development.


The application site was within the Wickhurst Green residential development on land allocated for a Neighbourhood Centre, between the A264 to the north and dwellings to the south and west.  To the east was an area designated for a primary school.


Details of relevant government and council policies, as contained within the report, were noted by the Committee.  Relevant planning history was also noted, in particular reserved matters application DC/15/0284 for a Neighbourhood Centre comprising a nursery, five retail units and a parish office.   


The responses from statutory internal and external consultees, as contained within the report, were considered by the Committee.


Members were advised that Condition 17, regarding hours of opening of the retail units, as printed in the report, should be corrected to ‘… shall not be open for trade or business except between the hours of 07:00 and 23:00 Monday to Saturday inclusive, and 07:00 to 22:00 Sundays and Public Holidays’.


The Parish Council objected to the application.  Nine letters of objection from six households, one of support and two of comment had been received. The applicant addressed the Committee in support of the proposal. A representative of the Parish Council spoke in objection to the application.


Members considered the officer’s planning assessment which indicated that the key issues for consideration in determining the proposal were: the principle of development; the impact of the scale and design of the building on the appearance of the wider area and on the amenities of adjacent occupiers; housing mix; highway and pedestrian safety; and parking and servicing.


Members considered concerns regarding the inclusion of 24 apartments and their impact on parking and amenity, and concluded that the proposal was in accord with the parameter plans.  It was confirmed that the downgrading of the Broadbridge Heath bypass prior to occupancy of the Neighbourhood Centre would be secured through Condition 11. 


In response to concerns regarding the need for appropriate landscaping and the appearance of the building, it was agreed that Local Members and the Chairman of the Committee would be consulted on Condition 16, which would secure an approved hard and soft landscaping plan, and Condition 5 regarding approval of a schedule of materials.




(i)      That a legal agreement be entered into to secure affordable housing and to link the payment of infrastructure contributions to outline permission DC/09/2101.


(ii)     That on completion of (i) above, planning application DC/17/0388 be determined by the Head of Development.  During determination, details of conditions 5 and 16 would be secured in consultation with the Local Members and Chairman of the Committee.  The view of the Committee was that the application should be granted.

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