Agenda item

DC/16/1677 - Land North of Horsham (Wards: Holbrook West, Rusper & Colgate, Holbrook East) Applicant: Mr Derek Lloyd, Liberty Property Trust


The Head of Development reported that this outline planning application sought permission for a mixed use strategic development, with all matters, except for access, reserved for future determination. 


Details of the proposal, as set out in the report, included: up to 2,750 homes, to include 30% housing for local need; a number of education and community facilities; 46,450 square metre business park; retail facilities including local shopping facilities; open space and recreation facilities; and landscaping. 


Local transport infrastructure improvements, including works and contributions towards upgrading existing parts of the road network, were included in the application.  The legal agreement was still in development and the proposed Heads of Terms were set out in appendix 1 of the report.


The application had been amended since its submission in August 2016 to reflect existing ownership boundaries, and exclude Ancient Woodland to the north west of the site. 


The indicative housing provision comprised: Market Housing: 39 1-bedroom and 97 2-bedroom flats; 230 2-bedroom, 731 3-bedroom, 731 4-bedroom and 97 5-bedroom houses.  Housing for Local Needs: 169 1-bedroom, 251 2-bedroom and eight 3-bedroom flats; 239 2-bedroom, 100 3-bedroom, 51 4-bedroom and seven 5-bedroom houses. 


The application site was located adjacent to the northern boundary of Horsham, north of the A264 between Langhurstwood Road and Wimland Road.  The suburban area of Crawley was approximately two miles to the north east.  The site was predominantly made up of agricultural fields, with some copses and three areas of ancient woodland.  There was also a Scheduled Monument (Homestead Moat) and a Grade II listed building (The Moated House) and historic parkscapes within the site. 


Details of relevant government and council policies, as contained within the report, were noted by the Committee, in particular the policies regarding Land North of Horsham strategic site within the Horsham District Planning Framework. 


An addendum to the report was circulated to Members, which amended the recommendation so that the application would be determined in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Planning (South) Committee, and the Cabinet Member for Planning & Development, in addition to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of this Committee.  The addendum also included: updates on consultation responses; a correction to paragraph 6.22 of the report; further details relating to the recommendations to follow paragraph 7.1 of the report with suggested revisions to conditions regarding time limits; and further recommended conditions and obligations regarding land ownership and the legal agreement. 


The responses from internal and external consultees, as contained within the report and addendum, were considered by the Committee. The responses from the Council’s Economic Development Team and Air Quality Officer, as printed in the addendum, were also noted by the Committee.  


A number of Neighbourhood and Parish Councils had commented on the application:  Colgate Parish Council raised objections to the original application and had not commented on the revised scheme. Denne Neighbourhood Council had objected to the original and amended application. Forest Neighbourhood Council had objected to the original application.  North Horsham Parish Council commented on both the original and revised application, raising some objections. Rusper Parish Council objected to the application.  Warnham Parish Council objected to the application.


A total of 91 letters of objection had been received along with 25 letters of comment. The letters of objection included responses from CPRE Sussex and The Horsham Society and the letters of comment included a response from the Horsham Town Community Partnership.


Three members of the public spoke in objection to the application, including a member of Horsham District Cycle Forum and a member of the Horsham Society.  A representative of Horsham Town Community Partnership spoke in support of the proposal. The applicant and the applicant’s agent both addressed the Committee in support of the proposal. 


Representatives from North Horsham Parish Council, Rusper Parish Council and Warnham Parish Council all addressed the Committee in objection to the proposal. 


Members considered the officer’s planning assessment as set out in the report and as presented to the Committee: the principle of the development and the quantum of development; access and junctions; and infrastructure improvements and contributions were key issues for consideration of the outline application.


Issues of concern raised by public speakers and by Members included:  cycling infrastructure within the site; protection of the Riverside Walk within the site; the level of affordable housing provision; connectivity with Horsham; the proposed siting of the schools; the phased development of the business park; and capacity of the existing sewerage system.


With regards to the proposed access and amendments to the road network, Members discussed: the impact of the development on the A264 and on the surrounding road network, including increased traffic through Rusper and Warnham; concerns regarding the closure and re-routing of Langhurstwood Road; Pondtail Drive; and the need for acoustic fencing to protect Lemmington Way residents from traffic noise. 


A representative of West Sussex County Council acknowledged that refuse HGVs being routed through high density housing was a potential issue that could be looked at during the reserved matters stage. The height of the bridge adjacent to the Rusper Road Roundabout could also be determined as a reserved matter but would need to meet established minimum highway criteria.  With regards to connectivity with the town, it was confirmed that the provision or improvement of four crossings points on the A264 that followed desire lines were proposed.  It was agreed that the condition regarding the green travel plan could be amended to include the cycle route through the site.


Members also discussed the Viability Study and the proposed level of affordable housing.  It was noted that there would be a clawback clause within the legal agreement to ensure that, should circumstances allow, additional affordable housing would be secured.


After detailed discussion and deliberation Members concluded that, given the scale and significance of the proposed development, the application should be determined by full Council. 




That planning application DC/16/1677 be referred to Council for decision.

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