Agenda item

DC/16/2835 - Abingworth Nurseries, Storrington Road, Thakeham (Ward: Chanctonbury) Applicant: Abingworth Homes


The Head of Development reported that this application sought permission for a variation of Condition 1 of previously approved application DC/16/0871, which related to permission DC/10/1314 for 146 dwellings on the site. 


This application sought to amend the layout of plots 76 to 126 (Phase 2) by replacing the 51 dwellings for over 55s with 62 market dwellings.  The additional 11 units would include four affordable housing units.  The 62 houses would comprise: nine 2-bedroom; 33 3-bedroom and 20 4-bedroom houses.  A 2-bedroom flat above the village shop was also proposed.  The application also included improvements to bridle paths in the area and traffic calming in Storrington Road.


With this proposal, together with previous minor material amendments, the overall development of permission DC/10/1314 would comprise 159 dwellings, including 123 open market dwellings, 16 affordable units and 20 local worker units, a village hall and shop, a pre-school facility, community workshops/studio, sports pitches, changing rooms, a cricket pitch and pavilion, a children’s play area, access roads, open space and landscaped areas.  


The site was located outside the built-up area of Thakeham, east of Storrington Road and north-east of Abingworth Hall Hotel.  There were dwellings to the west, though the main village lay to the north, separated from the site by fields.  There was agricultural land to the north, south and east, with boundaries edged by hedgerows and trees. Construction work connected to previous permissions had commenced on the site.


Details of relevant government and council policies, as contained within the report, were noted by the Committee. Relevant planning history, which included other minor material amendments to DC/10/1314, was noted by the Committee.  The responses from statutory internal and external consultees, as contained within the report, were considered by the Committee.


The Parish Council supported the application.  Thakeham Village Action objected to the application, and a further 81 letters of objection had been received.  There had been three letters of support. One member of the public, representing Thakeham Village Action, spoke in objection to the application.  A representative of the applicant and a representative of the Parish Council both addressed the Committee in support of the proposal.


Members considered the officer’s planning assessment which indicated that the key issues for consideration in determining the proposal were:  the housing mix; appearance and layout; the amenity of nearby and future residents; the impact of the flat above the shop; and highways.  The principle of development had already been established, and it was noted that additional community benefits and affordable housing would be secured through a legal agreement. 


Members concluded that the additional dwellings would not have a significant detrimental impact on the overall development and the proposed housing mix reflected local need.




(i)      That a legal agreement, in the form of a Deed of Variation, be entered into to:

(a)     secure the collection of all benefits previously secured under the previous consents relating to permission DC/10/1314; and 


(b)     secure the additional affordable housing and additional contributions and measures, including improvements to rights of way and traffic calming measures, to mitigate the impact of the additional 12 units.. 

(ii)     That on completion of (i) above, planning application DC/16/2835 be determined by the Head of Development in consultation with Local Members.  The view of the Committee was that the application should be granted.

Supporting documents: