Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Howard Room, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham

No. Item


Notes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 73 KB

To receive the notes of the meeting held on 20th November 2017


The notes of the meeting held on 20th November 2017 were received.



The Group noted an update on the Council’s pest control service, eight tenders for the contract had been received and these would be considered over the coming weeks. 


Homeless Reduction Act Presentation


The Head of Housing Services presented to the Advisory Group details of the new Housing Reduction Act which was expected to come into force in April 2018. The Act placed new duties and responsibilities on Local Authorities’ homeless teams to intervene earlier in the prevention of homelessness for all families and single people.


The Head of Housing Services explained the key changes expected under the Act and he then detailed the Council’s response to the changes and proposals on how the officers would deal with the additional pressures which the service faced.


The changes were set to be substantial and officers faced added duties and responsibilities but Housing Services had already undertaken work to prepare for the new legislation and it was hoped that the changes would lead further prevention of homelessness in the District.  


The Group had no objections to the proposals presented.




Rough Sleeper Presentation


The Head of Housing Services presented to the Advisory Group an overview on rough sleeping.


The presentation detailed the national homelessness picture and a Horsham perspective.


The Group noted the number of services already available to rough sleepers in the Horsham District.


A briefing note would be sent to all Councillors on how to deal with rough sleepers in their areas. It was suggested that this also be circulated to all the parish councils.


The Members agreed that there should be better publicity of the services offered by the Council and its success in the area. 


The Chairman of the Group explained that she would soon be visiting the night shelter, along with the Director of Community Services, and a press release would be made following the visit.


The Group noted the information presented.


Copies of both presentations would be circulated following the meeting.




Forward Plan Extract for the Housing and Public Protection Portfolio

To note the Forward Plan extract (if any) for the Housing and Public Protection Portfolio

